00001 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 00002 <html> 00003 <HEAD> 00004 <LINK HREF="doxygen.css" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css"> 00005 </HEAD> 00006 <BODY BGCOLOR="#d4ebf9"> 00007 <IMG SRC="../Images/tBird2D.gif" WIDTH=100 ALIGN="LEFT"/> 00008 <br> 00009 <br><br> 00010 <br><br> 00011 00012 <h1> Index of maintained examples </h1> 00013 00014 <PRE> 00015 The following examples are maintained actively: 00016 00017 # Convection-diffusion and Omar's source inversion problem 00018 00019 convectionDiffusion2D.cpp 00020 omar3.cpp 00021 00022 00023 00024 # Pouiselle flow using a schur complement precond 00025 00026 blockStokes2D.cpp 00027 00028 00029 # 2D lid-driven cavity, solved with Picard iteration on the Oseen equations 00030 # using a block preconditioner. 00031 00032 blockOseenLDC.cpp 00033 00034 # 2D LDC with pressure-stabilized equal-order discretization, 00035 # using a NewtonSolver object to do the nonlinear solve 00036 00037 ldcNS.cpp 00038 00039 # 2D LDC with streamfunction-vorticity formulation and NewtonSolver for the 00040 # nonlinear solve 00041 00042 vorticityLDC.cpp 00043 00044 # 2D flow past a half-cylinder, using streamfunction-vorticity NewtonSolver 00045 00046 vorticityCyl.cpp 00047 00048 00049 # various poisson problems 00050 00051 exp2D.cpp 00052 heat1D.cpp 00053 heat2D.cpp 00054 heat3D.cpp 00055 00056 # poisson boltzmann equation, with Newton's method coded in Sundance 00057 00058 inlinePoissonBoltzmann1D.cpp 00059 00060 # poisson boltzmann equation, with NewtonSolver object 00061 00062 poissonBoltzmann1D.cpp 00063 00064 # time-dependent heat equation, solved with crank-nicolson stepping 00065 00066 timeStepHeat1D.cpp 00067 00068 </PRE> 00069 00070 </body> 00071 </html>