HTTP/1.0 200 Document follows MIME-Version: 1.0 Server: CERN/3.0 Date: Thursday, 06-Jun-96 00:48:05 GMT Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 3368 Last-Modified: Wednesday, 05-Jun-96 09:53:36 GMT
MLnet Machine Learning Archive at GMD


Welcome to the

MLnet Machine Learning Archive at GMD

The Machine Learning Archive at GMD offers a growing collection of ML information, data sets, software, and pointers to other ML resources. The archive is maintained by the the ML Group of GMD in FIT.KI. It is made possible by support from MLnet.


* Software * Research groups * Events
* Data sets * ML Projects * Other info servers
* Papers * MLnet * Teaching
* Keyword-Search * What's New

You are invited to contribute your own software, papers etc. to the ML-archive.
Instructions can be found here.

Please send questions and suggestions to

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Last modified: Apr 26, 1996