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The Processor property is used to further specify component definitions or instantiations of all types in UniCon. It is used to assign a component to a particular processor in the execution environment. It is also used to further specify the definition or instantiation of an RTScheduler connector. It is used to assign all of the SchedProcess components in the connection to a particular processor in the execution environment.

Although the Processor property can be specified in a component or (RTScheduler) connector definition, it is typically specified in the instantiation. This makes the definition more general and, therefore, parameterizable at instantiation time.

The UniCon compiler also uses the value of the Processor property to determine the correct processor on which to build an application executable in the environment. Components designated for a particular processor are built on that processor. UniCon uses the "rsh" remote shell command in Unix to remotely execute the Odin construction utility to build the binary executable associated with a given component.

Property Lists

The Processor property can legally be specified in the property list in the following UniCon language elements:

Value Syntax

The syntax of the value part of the Processor property is a "string" or <identifier> enclosed in parentheses.

Required Rule


The default value for the Processor property is the processor on which the UniCon compiler is analyzing and building the system from the set of UniCon definitions.

Merge Rule


Subsequent specifications of the Processor property in a single property list replace earlier specifications (i.e., the last specification is the one that the UniCon compiler uses).

Semantic Checks

No semantic checks are performed on the value of the Processor property.


The following is an example of a specification of a Processor property. It is embedded in the instantiation of an RTScheduler connector instantiation:

    client.load AS load
    server.load AS load
    ALGORITHM (rate_monotonic)
    TRACE (client.load.trigger,
  END RTM-RealTime-Sched

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Author: Gregory Zelesnik

Last Modified: May 12, 1996