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FaceClusList Class Reference

Detailed Description

Note: clusters are numbered from 0 (the first leaf) to 2f - 1 (the root cluster) where f = number of faces in the model. This number is the cluster ID. All cluster child references are cluster IDs.

The clustersActive list is just a boolean array for all possible cluster IDs.

Clusters corresponding to the leaf faces are not stored, to save on memory. Sometimes clusters past a certain point in the hierarchy are also discarded: see the CropClusters() routine.

The clusters themselves are stored in reverse order in the clusters array. The ID of the first cluster in the array is stored in firstClusterID, and that of the last cluster in lastClusterID. You should use the Cluster() method to retrieve the cluster corresponding to a certain ID.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:17:06 2000 for Graphics Class Library by doxygen 1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000