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MRModel Member List
This is the complete list of members for MRModel, including all inherited members.
- AdaptClusters(Int targetClusters)
- AdaptComplexity(GCLReal complexity)
- AdaptFaces(Int targetFaces)
- AdaptLength( GCLReal threshold, const Transform &M, const Transform &P, Float timeLimit = vl_inf )
- AddCluster( Int child0, Int child1, Point ¢re, VecTrans &axis, Vector &fitNormal, GCLReal d, Point &clusMin, Point &clusMax, Int clusID )
- AddContraction( Int child0, Int child1, Int face1, Int face2, GCLReal error, const Point &p, Int delta )
- AdjustLeafFaces()
- Cluster(Int i)
- clusterColours
- clusters
- clustersActive
- clustersPrepped
- colour
- colourFaces
- colours
- CreateClusterColours()
- CropClusters(Int numClusters)
- currentClusters
- currentFaces
- Draw(Renderer &r)
- DrawClusterFaces(Int i, Renderer &r)
- DrawClusters(Renderer &r)
- DrawVertices(Renderer &r)
- DumpFCH(StrConst filename)
- FaceAreaNormal(Int faceIdx)
- faceNormals
- faces
- firstClusterID
- flags
- IsFace(Int i)
- lastClusterID
- lastComplexity
- modelFile
- MostComplexModel()
- MRModel()
- Parse(StrConst filename)
- ParseBinary()
- ParseText()
- points
- PrepareClusters()
- PrepareModel()
- PrepareVertices()
- ReorderLeafClusters(Int ic, FaceIdxArray &newFaces)
- rootClusters
- rootVertices
- sAvgClusColours
- showFaces
- showMeta
- SimplestModel()
- UpdateBounds(Point &min, Point &max, const Transform &t)
- vertices
- verticesPrepped
- vtxCodes
- vtxFaces
- vtxFlags
- WriteBinary()
- ~MRModel()
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:17:08 2000 for Graphics Class Library by
1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000