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ScenePane Member List
This is the complete list of members for ScenePane, including all inherited members.
- axesShown
- baseErr
- Begin(RenderStyle style)
- bgColour
- C(const Colour &c)
- C(const Colour4 &c)
- Cam(const Camera &c)
- Clear()
- ComplexityDrag()
- context
- CopyFrom(XPane &from)
- doubleBuffered
- Drag(Coord current, Int modifiers)
- dragStart
- Draw(Renderable &thing)
- Draw(Renderable *thing)
- End()
- EndDrag(Coord end, Int modifiers)
- frame
- GetBgColour()
- GetImage(Image &image)
- GetMouse(Int &x, Int &y, Int &modifiers)
- GetVisualInfo()
- glHeight
- GLRenderer(Int w = 100, Int h = 100)
- glWidth
- GLXPane(Bool doubleBuffer = true)
- gridShown
- HandleExpose()
- HandleKey(Char c)
- height
- Hide()
- ImageToXImage(Image &img)
- Init()
- itsCamera
- ItsCamera()
- itsScene
- ItsScene()
- MakeCurrent()
- models
- modifiersStart
- N(const Vector &p)
- offset
- oldImage
- P(const Point &p)
- P(const Coord &c)
- paneXID
- Pop()
- Print(ostream &s)
- Push()
- GLXPane::GLRenderer::PutImage(const Image &image, Int x, Int y)
- XEventPane::PutImage(Image &img, Int x = 0, Int y = 0)
- Redraw()
- Renderer()
- Resize(Int x, Int y)
- Restore()
- rot
- ScenePane(Bool doubleBuf = true)
- SceneRotDrag()
- SceneTransDrag()
- sCurrentRenderer
[protected, static]
- SetAxes(Bool on)
- SetBgColour(const Colour &c)
- SetCamera(const Camera &c)
- SetCameraParams()
- SetColour(const Colour &c)
- SetColour(const Colour4 &c)
- SetCoord(const Coord &c)
- SetDoubleSided(Bool on)
- SetGrid(Bool on)
- SetHeadlight(Bool on)
- SetNormal(const Point &p)
- SetPoint(const Point &p)
- SetScene(scScenePtr scene)
- SetTexCoord(const Coord &c)
- SetTexture(const Image *image)
- SetTitle(StrConst title)
- SetTransform(const Transform &t)
- SetWindow()
[inline, protected]
- sGLXDblVisualInfo
[protected, static]
- sGLXVisualInfo
[protected, static]
- Show()
- StartDrag(Coord start, Int modifiers)
- sVisualInfo
[protected, static]
- T(const Coord &c)
- TrackMouse(Int x, Int y, Int modifiers)
- trans
- tRot
- tTrans
- tZoom
- ViewFrom(Point &position, Vector &normal)
- width
- wire
- XEventPane(Bool doubleBuffer = 0)
- Xform(const Transform &t)
- XGetMouse(Int *x, Int *y, UInt *keyState)
- xgs
- XHandleEvent(XEvent *event)
- XPane()
- zoom
- ~GLXPane()
- ~XEventPane()
- ~XPane()
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:17:10 2000 for Graphics Class Library by
1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000