WorkMail: Village Networking Ltd Townsend Enterprise Park Townsend St Belfast, BT13-2ES Northern Ireland DayPhone: 44-2890-500300 FaxPhone: 44-2890-500960 BusinessEmail: PrivateEmail:
Welcome to my home page. It would actually be quite hard for anywhere in the world to be more of a home, home page than here because I spent the better part of twenty years in and around CMUCSD/CMUSCS. However, I'm currently living in Northern Ireland where I am the Managing Director for a systems development house Village Networking Ltd there.
While an undergrad and grad student at CMU, my actual major was the Scotch 'n' Soda Club. I managed to keep faculty and administration convinced otherwise and thus graduated. For historical interest, here is a handout given to the 72-73 S 'n' S cast and crew that tells the history of the club from 1908 to that date.
I was also one of the founding members of the CMU Astronomy Club. Here is a .4MB GIF image of a copy of the first minutes. One of these days I'll pull out and scan the original.
I If you want to see what I've been up to, take a quick trans-atlantic hop and see. I've also currently got a grant nanotechnology computer simulation reserch proposal into the SFI in the Republic of Ireland along with Josh Hall and Dr. Minsky among others. We're all holding our breath for the peer review. If it comes off I will be helping out at Media Lab Europe a few months of each year.
I'm as busy as ever and I welcome hearing from any of my old friends and research associates in SCS. It's a very small planet now. Keep in touch!
"You can check out, but you can never leave."