Bovik's Mail--homes/misc

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Citywide Garage Door                     Aug 98
Bad Service from Pool and Spa Outlet     Jul 96 Ray Obenza <ryo@SEI.CMU.EDU>
replacing the garage door and opener     Jul 95 Walter Wong <wcw+@CMU.EDU>
[Bill Ross] Lumber Yards                 Sep 91 Harry_Bovik@K.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
Mail I received on lumber yards          Jan 91 Bill.Ross@IUS3.IUS.CS.CMU.EDU
Consultant Recommendation                Oct 90 Peter.Capell@CAT.CMU.EDU
Re: Retaining walls                      Apr 88 Richard Cohn <>
realty lawyer                            Jul 87 Dave.Touretzky@C.CS.CMU.EDU
house hints                              Jul 87 (Cathy Dennler)
Woodworkers                              Feb 87 "Scott E. Fahlman" <Fahlman@C.CS.CMU.EDU>
Insulation disrecommendation             Nov 85 Maurice.Herlihy@C.CS.CMU.EDU
hardwood sources                         Sep 85 Matt.Mason@C.CS.CMU.EDU
floor refinishing                        Jul 85 Maurice.Herlihy@CMU-CS-C.ARPA

Harry Q. Bovik