Who is Bennet S. Yee (bsy)?
bsy is now at UCSD, and this page is no longer being maintained here.
bsy@cs.cmu.edu, last updated 22 July 1996.
Bennet graduated from the
Department of
Computer Science in '94;
he is currently
an assistant professor at
U. C. San Diego.
Thesis title:
Using Secure Coprocessors, CMU-CS-94-149.
(Also compressed or gzipped)
Advisor: Doug Tygar.
- Work:
- 5141 Applied Physics and Math Bldg
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California at San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0114
: +1 619 534 4614
: +1 619 822 0702 (Lisa Kackowski, sec'y)
: +1 619 534 7029 (Dept fax)
- Home:
- 7585 Charmant Dr, Apt #806
San Diego, CA 92122
: +1 619 678 0159
- Electronic Mail:
- bsy@cs.ucsd.edu
- Home Page:
- http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/users/bsy/
![bsy picture](bsy.gif)
bsy@cs.cmu.edu / bsy@cse.ucsd.edu, last updated 22 July 1996.
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