How to Succeed in Software?
Thursday, November 7, 1996
4:00 pm, Wean Hall 7500
3:45 pm - Refreshments Outside Wean Hall 7500
Marc was born in a log cabin in the Lower East Side of Manhattan
in the second half of the twentieth century. He was educated
at Caltech in Electrical Engineering, and at CMU in Computer
Science (PhD). He has worked on planetary radar, display technologies,
software engineering, robotics, large-scale distributed systems,
and the Internet. He introduced UNIX at IBM in the early 1980s
while building a juggling robot, and the World Wide Web at Morgan
Stanley in the early 1990s, work that some argue built one of the
first Intranets. He is now at Union Bank of Switzerland, where
he heads the department that provides all computer infrastructure
for UBS in the Americas.