Java Hot Spots
Thursday, 16 April 1998
4:00 pm, Wean Hall 7500
3:45 pm - Refreshments Outside Wean Hall 7500
Dr. Jim Mitchell is vice president of Architecture and Technology for
JavaSoft and is a Sun Fellow. Prior to JavaSoft, Dr. Mitchell was in
charge of the Spring distributed, object-oriented operating system
research in Sun Laboratories and SunSoft.
Before joining Sun in 1988, Dr. Mitchell was head of research and development for Acorn Computers (U.K.) and President of the Acorn Research Center in Palo Alto, California. In 1980-81 he was Senior Visiting Fellow at the Cambridge University Computing Laboratory. From 1971-84 he was at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and was a Xerox Fellow.
Dr. Mitchell has been working with computers since 1962 at the University of Waterloo where he and three other undergraduates developed the first WATFOR compiler. He has a Ph.D. from Carnegie-Mellon University and has worked on compilers, interactive programming systems, programming language design (Mesa, Euclid, C++), document preparation systems, user interface design, graphics hardware, distributed transactional file systems, and distributed, object-oriented operating systems.