The Culture of Narcissism

American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations

Christopher Lasch

Quotations reprinted without permission from the Norton Edition

"The new narcissist is haunted not by guilt but by anxiety. He seeks not to inflict his own certainties on others but to find a meaning in life. Liberated from the superstitions of the past, he doubts even the reality of his own existence. Superficially relaxed and tolerant, he finds little use for dogmas of racial and ethnic purity but at the same time forfeits the security of group loyalties and regards eveyone as a rival for the favors conferred by a paternalistic state. His sexual attitudes are permissive rather than puritanical, even though his emancipation from ancient taboos brings him no sexual peace. Fiercely competitive in his demand for approval and acclaim, he distrusts competition because he associates it unconsciously with an unbridled urge to destroy. Hence he repudiates the competitive ideologies that flourished at an earlier stage of capitalist development and distrusts even their limited expression in sports and games. He extols cooperation and teamwork while harboring deeply antisocial impulses. He praises respect for rules and regulations in the secret belief that they do not apply to himself. Acquisitive in the sense that his cravings have no limits, he does not accumulate goods and provisions against the future, in the manner of the acquisitive individualist of nineteenth-century political economy, but demands immediate gratification and lives in a state of restless, perpetually unsatisfied desire."
"She imagined herself an avenging Fury, an Amazon, a Walküre. On the wall of her house, she painted `an eight-foot-tall nude woman with flowing green-blond hair, and a burning American flag coming out of her cunt!' In her `acid frenzy,' she says, she `had painted what I wanted to be somewhere deep in my mind; tall and blond, nude and armed, consuming -- or discharging -- a burning America."