Large Vocabulary Conversational Speech Recognition
Effective Structural Adaptation of LVCSR Systems to Unseen Domains Using
Hierarchical Connectionist Acoustic Models
J.Fritsch, M.Finke, A.Waibel
Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
Sydney, Australia, December 1998
Phonetic-Distance-Based Hypothesis Driven Lexical Adaptation for Transcribing
Multilingual Broadcast News
P.Geutner, M.Finke, A.Waibel
Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
Sydney, Australia, December 1998
Applying Divide and Conquer to Large Scale Pattern Recognition Tasks
J.Fritsch, M.Finke
in "Neural Networks: Tricks of the Trade"
G.B. Orr, K.R. Müller (eds), Springer 1998
Structural Adaptation of Hierarchical Connectionist Acoustic Models
to Unseen Domains
J.Fritsch, M.Finke, A.Waibel
Slides of talk presented at Hub5-E (Switchboard) LVCSR Workshop
Linthicum Heights, Maryland, September 1998
Adaptive Vocabularies for Transcribing Multilingual Broadcast News
P. Geutner, M. Finke, P. Scheytt
Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal
Processing (ICASSP'98)
Seattle Wa, May 1998
Pronunciation Modelling using a Hand-Labelled Corpus for Conversational
Speech Recognition
B. Byrne, M. Finke, S. Khudanpur, J. McDonough, H. Nock, M. Riley,
M. Saraclar, C. Wooters, G. Zavaliagkos
Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal
Processing (ICASSP'98)
Seattle Wa, May 1998
ACID/HNN: Clustering Hierarchies of Neural Networks for Context Dependent
Connectionist Acoustic Modeling
J. Fritsch, M. Finke
Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal
Processing (ICASSP'98)
Seattle Wa, May 1998
Stochastic Pronunciation Modelling from Hand-Labelled Phonetic Corpora
M. Riley, B. Byrne, M. Finke, S. Khudanpur, A.Ljolje, J. McDonough,
H. Nock, M. Saraclar, C. Wooters, G. Zavaliagkos
ESCA Workshop on Modeling Pronunciation Variation for Automatic Speech
May 3-7 1998, Kerkrade, Netherlands
Clarity: Inferring Discourse Structure from Speech
M. Finke, M. Lapara, A. Lavie, L. Levin, L. Mayfield Tomokiyo, T.
Polzin, K. Ries, A. Waibel, K. Zechner
Proceedings of the AAAI 98 Spring Symposium.
Transcribing Multilingual Broadcast News using Hypothesis Driven Lexical
P. Geutner, M. Finke, P. Scheytt, A. Waibel, H. Wactlar
Proceedings of 1998 DARPA Hub4 Workshop, Lansdowne, W.Virginia
Meeting Browser: Tracking and Summarizing Meetings
A. Waibel, M. Finke, M. Bett
Proceedings of 1998 DARPA Hub4 Workshop, Lansdowne, W.Virginia
Flexible Transcription Alignment
M. Finke and A. Waibel
1997 IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding,
Dec 14-17, Santa Barbara, California
Pronunciation Modelling for Conversational Speech Recognition: A Status
Report from WS97
B. Byrne, M. Finke, S. Khudanpur, J. McDonough, H. Nock, M. Riley,
M. Saraclar, C. Wooters, G. Zavaliagkos
1997 IEEE Workshop on Speech Recognition and Understanding,
Dec 14-17, Santa Barbara, California
Speaking Mode Dependent Pronunciation Modeling in Large Vocabulary Conversational
Speech Recognition
Michael Finke and Alex Waibel
Eurospeech 97, Rhodos, Greece.
Improving Performance on Switchboard by Combining Hybrid HME/HMM and
Mixture of Gaussian Acoustic Models
Juergen Fritsch and Michael Finke
Eurospeech 97, Rhodos, Greece.
Speaker Normalization and Speaker Adaptation - A Combination for Conversational
Speech Recogntion
Puming Zhan, Martin Westphal, Michael Finke and Alex Waibel
Eurospeech 97, Rhodos, Greece.
The JanusRTk Switchboard/Callhome 1997 Evaluation System
Michael Finke, Juergen Fritsch, Petra Geutner, Klaus Ries and Torsten
Proceedings of LVCSR Hub5-e Workshop, May 13-15, Baltimore, Maryland.
(System Description - Postscript)
(Pronunciation Modeling - Postscript)
(Hybrid Acoustic Modeling - Postscript)
The Karlsruhe-Verbmobil Speech Recognition Engine
Michael Finke, Petra Geutner, Hermann Hild, Thomas Kemp, Klaus Ries
and Martin Westphal
Proceedings of ICASSP 97, Muenchen, Germany
JANUS-III: Speech-To-Speech Translation in Multiple Languages
Alon Lavie, Alex Waibel, Lori Levin, Michael Finke, Donna Gates,
Marsal Gavalda, Torsten Zeppenfeld and Puming Zhan
Proceedings of ICASSP 97, Muenchen, Germany
Wide Context Acoustic Modeling in Read vs. Spontaneous Speech
Michael Finke and Ivica Rogina
Proceedings of ICASSP 97, Muenchen, Germany
Recognition of Conversational Telephone Speech using the Janus Speech
Torsten Zeppenfeld, Michael Finke, Klaus Ries, Martin Westphal and
Alex Waibel
Proceedings of ICASSP 97, Muenchen, Germany
Context-Dependent Hybrid HME/HMM Speech Recognition using Polyphone
Clustering Decision Trees
Jürgen Fritsch, Michael Finke, Alex Waibel
Proceedings of ICASSP 97, Muenchen, Germany
Adaptively Growing Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts
Jürgen Fritsch, Michael Finke, Alex Waibel
Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS 96, Denver, USA
Mode Dependent Pronunciation Modeling in LVCSR
Michael Finke
Proceedings of the CLSP Workshop 1996, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
Modeling Systematic Variations in Pronunciation via a Language-Dependent
Hidden Speaking Mode
M.Ostendorf, B.Byrne, M.Bacchiani, M.Finke, A.Gunawardana, K.Ross,
S.Roweis, E.Shriberg, D.Talkin, A.Waibel, B.Wheatley and T.Zeppenfeld
Proceedings of the ICSLP 1996
LVCSR Switchboard April 1996 Evaluation Report
M.Finke and T.Zeppenfeld
Proceedings of the LVCSR Hub 5 Workshop, April 29 - May 1, 1996
Maritime Institute of Technology, Linthicum Heights, Maryland
Minimizing Search Errors Due to Delayed Bigrams in Real-Time Speech
Recognition Systems
M.Woszczyna, M.Finke
Proceedings of the ICASSP 1996,
(4 pages), html
(using latex2html)
JANUS-II: Translation of Spontaneous Conversational Speech
A.Waibel, M.Finke, D.Gates, M.Gavaldà, T.Kemp, A.Lavie, L.Levin,
M.Maier, L.Mayfield, A.McNair, I.Rogina, K.Shima, T.Sloboda, M.Woszczyna,
T.Zeppenfeld, P.Zhan
Proceedings of the ICASSP 1996, postscript
(4 pages), html
(using latex2html)
Handwriting Recognition
A Fast Search Technique for Large Vocabulary On-Line Handwriting Recognition
S. Manke, M. Finke, and A. Waibel
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting
Recognition, Colchester, England, 1996.
The Use of Dynamic Writing Information in a Connectionist On-Line Cursive
Handwriting Recognition System
S. Manke, M. Finke, and A. Waibel
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7, 1995.
NPen++: A Writer Independent, Large Vocabulary On-Line Cursive Handwriting
Recognition System
S. Manke, M. Finke, and A. Waibel
Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and
Recognition, Montreal, 1995.
Combining Bitmaps with Dynamic Writing Information for On-Line Handwriting
S. Manke, M. Finke, and A. Waibel
Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Jerusalem, 1994. (Postscript)
Multimodal Interfaces
From Gaze to Focus of Attention
R.Stiefelhagen, M.Finke, J.Yang, A.Waibel
Proceedings of the Workshop on Perceptual User Interfaces (PUI98),
San Francisco.
Theory of Neural Networks
Statistical Theory of Overtraining - Is Cross-Validation Effective?
Amari, S., Murata, N., Müller, K.-R., Finke, M., Yang, H.
NIPS'95: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8, D.S.
Touretzky, M.C. Mozer and M.E. Hasselmo (eds.), MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.,
p. 176-182.
Postscript, 62kB compressed [in Germany])
Asymptotic Statistical Theory of Overtraining and Cross-Validation
Amari, S., Murata, N., Müller, K.-R., Finke, M., Yang, H.
University of Tokyo Technical Report METR 95-06 and accepted at IEEE
Transactions on neural networks (
Postscript [in USA], Postscript,
[in Germany], 128kB compressed)
A Numerical Study on Learning Curves in Stochastic Multi-Layer Feed-Forward
Müller, K.-R., Finke, M., Schulten, K., Murata, N., Amari,
University of Tokyo Technical Report METR 95-03, Neural Computation,
8, 1085-1106 (
Postscript, 129kB compressed [in USA], Postscript,
86 kB gzipped [in Germany])
On Large Scale Simulations for Learning Curves
Müller, K.-R., Finke, M., Murata, N., Schulten, K., Amari,
Proceedings of the CTP-PBSRI Workshop on Theoretical Physics: Neural
Networks, The Statistical Mechanics Perspective, World Scientific,
Singapore, 73-84
On Large Scale Simulations for Learning Curves
Müller, K.-R., Finke, M., Schulten, K., Murata, N., Amari,
in Proceedings of the 6th Australian conference on Neural Networks
(ACNN'95), eds. Margaret Charles & Cyril Latimer, School of Electrical
Engineering, University of Sydney, 45-48
Learning curves of faithful versus unfaithful neural network models
Müller, K.-R., Bös, S., Finke, M., Murata, N.
in NOLTA 95: Las Vegas Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications,
127-132 (
Postscript, 38kB gzipped [in Germany])
Estimating a-posteriori probabilities using stochastic network models
Finke, M., Müller, K.-R.
In Proc. of the 1993 Connectionist Models summer school, Mozer, M.,
Smolensky, P., Touretzky, D.S., Elman, J.L. and Weigend, A.S. (Eds.), Hillsdale,
NJ: Erlenbaum Associates, 324-331 (
Postscript, 52KB gzipped)
Constructing Neural Network Models
Müller, K.-R., Finke, M.
Extended Abstract in Proc. of the JNNS'94: 5th Annual Conference of
the Japanese Neural Network Society, 94-95