Micro-Gravity Tele-Presence Onboard
(µG telePOD)
Our ideas for a small telepresence robot assistant for use on the
International Space Station and Space Shuttle were initially submitted
to NASA in January of 1997. This was done briefly via "Technology
Infusion/Transfer Opportunity Assessment" forms at the NASA Microgravity
Technology Workshop at the National Technology Transfer Center, Wheeling WV.
Subsequent discussions and
an expanded proposal
were presented to the Workshop Chair,
Mr. Steve Robbins of the Microgravity Project Office, NASA Marshall
Space Flight Center.
Mr. Robbins was very helpful at providing information about the environment,
ISS details such as Middeck Locker specifications and available
facilities. Further refinements were made in the Autumn of
1997 and an updated proposal sent to Mr. Robbins who presented
our ideas to Mr. Joel Kearns, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.
We also had many helpful
interactions and encouragement from Ms. Ann Trausch, another Workshop
Chair, also at NASA Marshall.
A number of conversations were had with a varietly of people at NASA
over the next year and a half, including discussing it at NASA
Ames in
August 1998.
In early 1999, Mr. Kearns suggested we present the idea to others and
so an updated proposal was also provided to:
Bill Ramage
Microgravity Research Office Space Station Deputy, NASA Marshall
Mike Suffredini
Manager of Payloads Office, NASA Johnson
Ned Penley
ISS Program Office, NASA Johnson
We have also been in contact with Mr. Carlos Parra at NASA Johnson
and Ms. Isabella Kierk, Advanced Technology Development program of Microgravity, NASA
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Gregg Podnar
Senior Research Engineer
gwp @ cmu.edu
Mel Siegel
Senior Research Scientist
mws @ cmu.edu
Carnegie-Mellon University
The Robotics Institute
Pittsburgh, PA 15213