1982 - 1985
Cambridge University, UK
B.A. Mathematics, 1st class honors
May 1992 - August 1992, Nasa Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA
Summer intern at NASA Ames, working with Steve Minton to develop
algorithms for automatically generating constraint satisfaction
August 1988 - August 1989, Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
Visiting scientist from GEC, working in Tom Mitchell's robot learning
laboratory. Designed an algorithm to learn reactive robot control from
deliberative planning behavior, implemented on a Hero 2000 robot.
Sept 1985 - August 1990, General Electric Plc, Marconi Research Centre, Chelmsford, UK
Senior Research Scientist in the Artificial Intelligence Group.
Developed several systems for problem solving, knowledge acquisition
and machine learning.
Spring 1993, Fundamental Principles of CS II, Carnegie Mellon
Taught recitations and formulated homework assignments for Bob
Harper's course on the fundamental principles of computer science.
Fall 1991, Software Engineering, Carnegie Mellon
Advised a group of senior students and formulated homework assignments
in a project-based software engineering course using object-oriented
design, taught by Bernd Bruegge. The course was reported in an
OOPSLA '92 paper.
1991, Volunteer Math Tutor, Pittsburgh
Gave individual instruction in Mathematics to high school students
through a tutoring program.
Open scholarship to read Mathematics at Christ's College, Cambridge, 1982-1985
Member of program committee for AI Planning Systems conference, 1998.
Member of organizing committee for AAAI 1997 workshop ``Robots, Softbots, Immobots: Theories of Action, Planning and Control''
Journal of AI Research (1995, 1996)
IJCAI (1995, 1997)
AI Planning Systems conference (1996)
European Workshop on Planning Systems (1995)
International Conference on Machine Learning (1990)
Portuguese Conference on AI (1995)
Web site maintainer
Prodigy project home page:
Computer science tech-report page:
Manuela Veloso, Jaime Carbonell, Alicia P\'erez, Daniel Borrajo, Eugene Fink,
and Jim Blythe.
Integrating planning and learning: The prodigy architecture.
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical AI, 7:81--120, 1995.
Cathleen McGrath, Jim Blythe, and David Krackhardt.
``The effect of spatial arrangement on judgments and errors in
interpreting graphs''
Social Networks, in press.
An earlier version appears in
F.~J. Brandenburg, editor, International Symposium on Graph
Drawing, pages 40--51, Passau, Germany, September 1995. Springer-Verlag.
Yves Kodratoff, Michel Manago, and Jim Blythe.
"Generalization and noise".
International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 27(2):181--204,
August 1987.
Book Chapters
Jim Blythe.
``The footprint principle for heuristics for probabilistic planners.''
In Malik Ghallab and Alfredo Milani, editors, New Directions in
AI Planning, pages 173--185, Assissi, Italy, September 1995. IOS
Michel Manago and Jim Blythe.
``Learning disjunctive concepts.''
In Katarina Morik, editor, Knowledge representation and
organization in machine learning, pages 211--230, Berlin, West Germany,
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Jim Blythe and Manuela Veloso.
``Using analogy in conditional planners.''
Proc. Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
to appear.
Jim Blythe.
``Decompositions of Markov chains for reasoning about external change
in planners.''
In Brian Drabble, editor, Proc. Third International Conference
on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems, University of
Edinburgh, May
1996. AAAI Press.
Jim Blythe.
``Planning with external events.''
In Ramon Lopez de Mantaras and David Poole, editors, Proc. Tenth
Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, pages 94--101,
Seattle, WA, July 1994. Morgan Kaufmann.
Jim Blythe.
``Probabilistic knowledge of external events in planning.''
In Proc. Twelfth National Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (student abstract), page 1427. AAAI Press, 1994.
Manuela Veloso and Jim Blythe. ``Linkability: Examining causal link commitments in partial-order planning.'' In Kristian Hammond, editor, Proc. Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems, pages 170--175, University of Chicago, Illinois, June 1994. AAAI Press.
Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, and Jim Blythe. ``The need for different domain-independent heuristics.'' In Kristian Hammond, editor, Proc. Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems, pages 164--169, University of Chicago, Illinois, June 1994. AAAI Press.
Jim Blythe and Manuela Veloso. ``An analysis of search techniques for a totally-ordered nonlinear planner.'' In Jim Hendler, editor, Proc. First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems, 1992.
Bernd Bruegge, Jim Blythe, Jeff Jackson, and Jeff Shufelt.
``Object-oriented system modeling with OMT.''
In Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages,
and Applications, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 1992.
Jim Blythe and Tom Mitchell.
``On becoming reactive.''
In International Conference on Machine Learning, Ithaca, NY,
June 1989.
Jim Blythe.
``Constraining search in a hierarchical discriminative learning system.''
In Yves Kodratoff, editor, Proceedings of the 8th European
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 378--83, Munich, West Germany,
August 1988.
Jim Blythe, David Needham, and Patrick Corsi.
``An experimental protocol for gathering examples for empirical
In First European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, 1987.
Refereed workshop proceedings and technical reports.
Jim Blythe and Manuela Veloso. ``Learning to improve uncertainty handling in a hybrid planning system.'' In Simon Kasif, editor, AAAI Fall Symposium on Learning Complex Behaviors in Intelligent Adaptive Systems, Boston, MA, November 1996.
Jim Blythe.
``A representation for efficient planning in dynamic domains with
external events.''
In Chitta Baral, editor, AAAI Workshop on Theories of Action,
Planning and Control. AAAI Press, August 1996.
Jim Blythe.
``Decision-theoretic subgoaling in goal-directed search.''
In AAAI Spring Symposium on Decision-Theoretic Planning,
Stanford University, 1994.
Jim Blythe and W. Scott Reilly.
``Integrating reactive and deliberative planning for agents.''
Technical Report CMU-CS-93-135, School of Computer Science, Carnegie
Mellon University, May 1993.
Jaime G. Carbonell, Jim Blythe, Oren Etzioni, Yolanda Gil, Robert Joseph, Dan
Kahn, Craig Knoblock, Steven Minton, Alicia Perez, Scott Reilly, Manuela
Veloso, and Mei Wang.
``PRODIGY4.0: The manual and tutorial.''
Technical Report CMU-CS-92-150, School of Computer Science, Carnegie
Mellon University, June 1992.