Sensorimotor Primitives for Robot Skills

(last updated 2/95)

Thesis Proposal

J. Dan Morrow and Pradeep Khosla

Skills are encapsulated task solutions for robustly executing complex, recurring tasks in a domain. Integrating skills with high-level plans is an instantiation of the general principle of combining deliberative planning and reaction which is widely accepted in robotics today. Devel oping robot skills would significantly impact the robot programming problem, but skill synthesis remains an open and difficult problem. I propose a complete system for skill synthesis based on the cognitive and associative phases of skill acquisition. The system has three components: 1) sensorimotor primitives (SMP's), 2) skill programming interface (SPI), and 3) skill tuning. Grounding the approach are sensorimotor primitives which are sensor-integrated, task-relevant commands. The idea is to bridge the task space with the robot/sensor space so that task strategy translation onto the robot/sensor system is more direct. In addition, integrating sensors for task domains instead of individual tasks leverages previous work in sensor application to similar tasks. The SPI provides a graphical programming environment for combining SMP's into skills in the cognitive phase of skill synthesis. The idea is to leverage the cognitive capabilities of the human to configure task-relevant commands into skills while hiding implementation programming complexity. Finally, the skill tuning module provides the associative phase of skill synthesis: improving task performance with practice. This capability complements the SPI module by pro viding a mechanism to fine-tune the approximate parameter values entered during the cognitive stage. Since the task representation used during the cognitive phase will probably not correctly model all the fine details of the actual task, the skill tuning module provides a mechanism for adapting these parameters based on actual task performance.
Carnegie Mellon Computer Science