Jeff Pierce 
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Office: (412) 268-3075
Fax: (412) 268-5576
 PhD student, Computer Science
   Carnegie Mellon University, January 1997 - present
   Advisor: Randy Pausch
 M.C.S., Computer Science
   University of Virginia, January 1997
   Project: Image Plane Interaction Techniques in 3D Immersive Environments
 B.S., Computer Engineering
   George Washington University, May 1995
Research Positions
 PhD candidate, Carnegie Mellon University
   January 1997 - present
   Advisor: Randy Pausch
   Interaction Techniques for Virtual Environments
   Alice, Easy to Learn Interactive 3D Graphics
   Using Perceptual Psychology to inform design of 3D environments
   Sensing Techniques for Mobile Devices
 Master's student, University of Virginia
   August 1995 - January 1997
   Advisor: Randy Pausch
   Interaction Techniques for Virtual Environments
   Alice, Easy to Learn Interactive 3D Graphics
Teaching Positions
 Created and led a reading seminar on Interactive 3D Graphics
   Fall 1997, Spring 1998, Fall 1999
 Teaching Assistant: Usability Engineering, University of Virginia, Fall 1996
 Teaching Assistant: Programming Language Semantics (15-312), CMU, Fall 1998
 Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Computer Systems (15-213), CMU Fall 1999
 Walt Disney Imagineering
   DisneyQuest project, July 1997 - January 1998
   Media Research Group, Alan Kay director, June 1999 - May 2000
 Microsoft Research
   User Interface Group, December 1998 - January 1999
   Adaptive Systems and Interfaces, December 1999 - January 2000
 Walt Disney Imagineering
   Research and Development
   Media Research Group, Alan Kay director
   Squeak Project
   Spring 1999
 Microsoft Research
   User Interface Group, George Robertson director
   Summer 1998
 Naval Research Lab
   Tactical Electronic Warfare Division
   Summers: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995
   Spring: 1994
Publications and Presentations
 Book chapters
 Alice in a Squeak Wonderland. In Squeak:
   Open Personal Computing and Multimedia, Mark Guzdial
   and Kim Rose editors, Prentice Hall, July 2001.
 Journal Papers
 Pierce, Pausch, Sturgill, Christiansen. Designing a
   Successful HMD-Based Experience. PRESENCE, vol. 8 no. 4,
   August 1999, pages 469-473.
 Conference Papers
 Pierce, Forsberg, Conway, Hong, Zeleznik, Mine. Image
   Plane Interaction Techniques in 3D Immersive Environments.
   1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pages 39-43.
 Pierce, Stearns, Pausch. Voodoo Dolls: Seamless Interaction
   at Multiple Scales in Virtual Environments. 1999 Symposium
   on Interactive 3D Graphics, pages 141-145.
 Pierce, Conway, van Dantzich, Robertson. Toolspaces and
   Glances: Storing, Accessing, and Retrieving Objects in
   3D Desktop Applications. 1999 Symposium on Interactive 3D
   Graphics, pages 163-168.
 Conway, Pierce, Pausch, et al. Alice: Lessons Learned
   from Building a 3D System for Novices. CHI 2000, pages
 Hinckley, Pierce, Sinclair, Horvitz. Sensing Techniques
   for Mobile Interaction. ACM User Interface Software and
   Technology 2000, CHI Letters 2 (2), pages 91-100.
   Recipient of Best Paper Award.
 Pierce, Pausch. Comparing Voodoo Dolls and HOMER:
   Exploring the Importance of Feedback in Virtual Environments.
   To appear at CHI 2000.
 Refereed Demos
 Alice, UIST 96
 Alice, 1997 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics
 Alice, UIST 97, UIST 97 Proceedings pages 77-78.
 Alice, CHI 98, CHI Conference Companion pages 26-27.
 Alice, CSCW 98
 Digital Bayou SIGGRAPH 1996
 Educators Program SIGGRAPH 1997
 Electric Garden SIGGRAPH 1997
 CAETI DARPA community meeting May 1997
 Millenium Motel SIGGRAPH 1999
 Tech Reports

 Pierce, Pausch. Specifying Interaction Surfaces Using
   Interaction Maps. CMU-CS-01-100, January 2001.
Invited Participation
 Input Research Workshop, Amiens, France, 2000.
Honors, Awards, Scholarships
   Microsoft Research Fellowship
   Selected for NASA GSRP Fellowship
   Dean's Fellow (University of Virginia)
   Tau Beta Pi Honor Society
   Eta Kappu Nu Honor Society
   Golden Key Honor Society
   Dean's List
   Robert C. Byrd Scholarship (New York State)
   National Merit Scholar
Professional Activities
 ACM Member (SIGs: SIGCHI)
 IEEE Member (Computer Society)
 Student Volunter: CHI 1997, UIST 1995/1996/1997/1998
 Member CMU Speakers Committee, May 1999 - present
   UIST 1999
   SIGGRAPH 2000
   Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics 2001
   SIGGRAPH 2001
   UIST 2001