James Clark's Web Page:
http://www.jclark.com James Clarkは、XML 1.0勧告に非常に忠実なXMLプロセッサXPの作者。適合性テストのための
Graphic Communications Association (GCA):
http://www.gca.org XMLに関する会議やセミナーを多数主催している。
OASIS: http://www.oasis-open.org/ The Organization for the Advancement of Structured
Information Standards (OASIS) は、HTML/XML/SGMLに関する非営利の国際コンソーシアムである。
XMLDevelopers.com: http://www.xmldevelopers.com XMLとJavaの開発者向けの情報を提供している。XML for Javaを使ったプログラム開発の
Flanagan, David, "Java in a Nutshell 2nd Edition", O'Reilly: Sebastpol, CA, 1997. ISBN: 1-56592-262-X
Horstmann, Cay, and Gray Cornel, "Core Java 1.1 Volume I - Fundamentals", Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1997. ISBN: 0-13-766957-7
Horstmann, Cay and Gray Cornel, "Core Java 1.1 Volume II - Advanced Features", Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998. ISBN: 0-13-766965-8
Hunter, Jason and William Crawford, "Java Servlet Programming", O'Reilly: Sebastpol, CA, 1997. ISBN: 1-56592-391-X
Patel, Pratik, and Karl Moss, "Java Database Programming With JDBC", The Coriolis Group: Scottsdale, AZ, 1997. ISBN: 1-57610-159-2
Reese, George E., and George H. Reese, "Database Programming With JDBC and Java", O'Reilly: Sebastpol, CA, 1997. ISBN: 1-56592-270-0
Alschuler, Liora"ABCD... SGML: A User's Guide to Structured
Information", International Computer Press, London/Boston, 1995. ISBN: 1-850-32197-3
Boumphrey, Frank, Olivia di Renzo, Jon Duckett,
Joe Graf, Paul Houle, Trevor Jenkins, Peter
Jones, Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, Kathie Kingsley-Hughes,
Craig McQueen, Stephen Mohr, and Tad Murphy, "Professional XML Applications",
Wrox Press Inc: Chicago, 1998. ISBN: 1-861-00152-5
Bradley, Neil, "The XML Companion", Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ Computer Books, 1998. ISBN: 0130811521
DeRose, Steven J., "The SGML FAQ Book: Understanding the
Foundation of HTML and XML", Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1997.
ISBN: 0-7923-9943-9
Goldfarb, Charles F. and Yuri Rubinsky, "The SGML Handbook",
Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1991. ISBN: 0-19-853737-9
Goldfarb, Charles F., Steve Pepper, and Chet Ensign, "SGML Buyer's Guide : A Unique Guide
to Determining Your Requirements and Choosing the Right Sgml and Xml Products and Services"
, Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998. ISBN: 0-13-681511-1
Jelliffe, Rick, "The XML and SGML Cookbook: Recipes
for Structured Information", Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998. ISBN: 0-136-14223-0
Light, Richard, and Tim Bray, "Presenting XML", Sams: Indianapolis, 1998. ISBN:
ネティズム工房訳, XMLを知る〜ポストHTML,Web上のSGML−XMLのすべて〜, ピアソンエデュケ−ション, 1998. ISBN: 4-89471-058-7
Mayer, Eve, and Jeanne Andaloussi, "Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to
Model to Markup", Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996. ISBN: 0-13-309881-8
Megginson, David, "Structuring XML Documents", Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998. ISBN: 0-13-642299-3
株式会社クイック訳, XML文書の構造〜DTDの設計とカスタマイズ〜, アスキー, 1999. ISBN: 4-7561-3111-5
Simpson, John E., "Just XML", Prentice Hall Computer Books: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1998. ISBN: 0-13-943417-8
Smith, Norman E., "Practical Guide to SGML/XML Filters", Wordware Publishing: Plano, TX, 1998. ISBN: 1-556-22587-3