Katsushi Ikeuchi
Principal Research Scientist
Computer Science Dept,
Robotics Institute,
Human-Computer Interaction Institute
WeH 1323, CS, CMU, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412-268-6349
Fax: 412-268-6704
Secretary: Marie Elm (mke@cs 412-258-3838)
6585 Rosemoor St., Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Phone (& Fax) 412-421-0521
Research Group
Task Oriented Vision Lab.
Five Representative Publications
"Numerical Shape From Shading and Occluding Boundaries"
AIJ, 17(1), 1981
--- The smoothness constraints
"The Mechanical Manipulation of Randomly Oriented Parts"
Scientific American, 251(2), 1984
--- It's fun to pick up a doughnut
"Automatic Generation of Object Recognition Program"
Proc of IEEE, 76(8), 1988
--- The VAC really generates a program!!!
"A Spherical Representation for the Recognition of Curved Objects"
ICCV, Berlin, May 1993
--- The final destination of spherical representations
"Toward an Assembly Plan from Observation"
IEEE Trans. R&A, 10(3), 1994
--- For our beatutiful cooperations among Robots and Humans