James is Wicked Ale (12/8/94)
- Ingredients:
- 1.0 lb. American Crystal Malt
- 0.5 lb. M&F Chocolate Malt
- 6.0 lb. M&F Light Dry Malt Extract (DME)
- 1.0 lb. M&F Dark DME
- 0.5 ounce Brewers Gold Hops (boil) Alpha = 8.5%
- 0.5 ounce Cascade Hops (boil) Alpha = 6.1%
- 0.5 ounce Cascade Hops (finish) Alpha = 6.1%
- Readings:
- O.G. ~ 1.0449
- F.G. = 1.0260
Bottling (12/22/94):
primed with 3/4 cup of corn sugar
As you may notice from the specific gravity readings, we
bottled this a bit too early. This gave it a very sweet
taste, but I really like it! It doesn't taste much like
Pete's Wicked Ale (the original intention.)