16-811: Math Fundamentals for Robotics, Fall 2024
Assignment Submission Guidelines
- Assignments are due by 11:59pm on the due date.
Electronic submissions only, as described below.
Typeset is preferred, but handwritten submissions are allowed if
they are clear and easy to read.
We prefer that you use LaTeX for written portions of assignments.
If you do need to handwrite some parts, please
combine typeset and handwritten parts into a SINGLE pdf file.
(Scan handwritten parts into readable images using a scanner
and insert them
into a Word processor or LaTeX file, then convert to pdf.)
Unless otherwise specified, only MATLAB or
Python is allowed for programming questions.
Please note: you should only use simple MATLAB or Python
functions (some of the problems may already be implemented by a
complicated routine in MATLAB or Python; you should not use that
routine, but instead create your own implementation).
When in
doubt, please ask.
Include in your pdf writeup everything that is
needed to grade your submission, in an easily readable
format. The pdf submission is the primary
file we will use for grading. (We may or may not look at or run
your code submission.) Please make sure that your pdf includes
all answers and shows all your work in deriving those answers.
Think of it is a mini scientific paper, in which you describe in
words and equations everything that is necessary for a reader to
understand your work. Do not simply copy and paste code to make
that possible. Instead, say what you did, for instance,
something like this: "I used function XYZ to obtain the
SVD decomposition of matrix A. Here are the resulting
matrices, U, Σ, and V: ...
Since there are 7 zeros on the diagonal of Σ, I
see that matrix A has nullity 7. ... ." Please
organize your answers so that a TA grading a particular problem
can understand your answer without referring to any other
problem's answer (which may not be easily visible to the TA
while grading).
For problems that involve implementations, please submit any
code that you used for those problems. Submit code separately
from pdf, as described below. In your pdf, please
specify how you obtained your answers via your code, and provide
instructions that would allow a grader to run your code.
(Reminder: your pdf must be sufficiently complete for a grader
to assess your work without actually running or looking at your
code. So, do not simply say "see code" in your pdf file.
Please make sure your pdf file contains all necessary
answers, but submit the code as well.)
File Structure
- You will submit two files:
One SINGLE pdf file (any name you want)
that contains all your written material.
Start each major numbered problem on a new page in your
pdf. (The submission and grading process will expect
this structure.)
One SINGLE zip file (any name you
want) that contains all your code files.
How To Submit Your Assignment
Submissions will be handled through Gradescope, at
- When you go to the Gradescope webpage for this course, you should
see two submission slots for each assignment, for instance:
HW1 Written
and HW1 Code.
- Submit your pdf file to the HW[#]
Written slot (with [#] being the current
assignment number). When you make this submission, you will have
an opportunity to "assign pages", which means the following:
Gradescope has logical pages, generally one for each problem.
Gradescope needs a mapping between your pdf pages and those
logical pages, in order to properly display material during
grading. Please correctly assign your pdf pages to
Gradescope's logical pages. To facilitate that, we ask
that you also please start a new page in your pdf for
each major numbered problem.
- Submit your zip file to the HW[#] Code slot.
- After submission, verify that the files you
uploaded arrived successfully and contain the correct content,
by looking at them from Gradescope.
- (Later, for resubmissions, there will be two new slots, with
slightly different names, for instance, HW1
Written Resubmit and HW1
Code Resubmit.)
Additional comments:
- When submitting code, you can actually drag and drop code files
individually if you prefer to do that instead of zipping them up
into one file.
- Ignore any scores you see after code
submission. There is no autograding. We are simply using the code
submission as a convenient repository for code files.
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