Here are the links from the 2004 Meeting of the Minds presentations:
Matt Anderson - "Simulation of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Computer"
Stuart Anderson - "Single Point of Contact Manipulation of Unknown Objects"
Zach Anderson - "A Power Saving Technique for TCP Connections over Wireless Links"
David Charlton - "On the Hardness of Uniform Random Generation"
Khalid El-Arini - "Synthetically Real Graphics"
Kelvin Goh - "Toward a Complete Face Recognition System"
Ian Graham - "Surface Capture of the Human Hand"
Neil Halelamien - "Visual Routines for Spatial Cognition on a Mobile Robot"
Warren Hunt - "A Fast Counting Data Compression Algorithm"
Ian Kash - "A Partially Automated Proof of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem"
Jennifer Lin - "Detecting Opponent Roles in a Robot Soccer Domain"
Bernice Ma - "Augmented Reality Human Machine Interface for a Teleoperated
Nano-scale Interaction and Manipulation System"
Mike Maxim - "FrontDesk: An Enterprise Class Web-based Software System for
Programming Assignment Submission, Feedback Dissemination, and Grading Automation"
Jay Pujara - "Machine Learning Classification of fMRI Data in Semantic and
Syntactic Tasks"
Brian Railing - "Data Classification and Relaxing Storage Requirements"
Jibran Rashid - "Quantum Information and Game Theory"
Yuen-Lin Tan - "Comparison-based Filesystem Verification (The NFS Tee)"
Hongxian Tay - "Visual Validation of SSL Certificates in the Mozilla Browser using Hash Images"
Alex Vaynberg - "From Typed Assembly Language to Proof Carrying Code"
Thuc Vu - "Behavior Programming Language and Automated Code Generation for
Agent Behavior Control"
Yili Wang - "TaskPort: A Task Management Interface in an Intelligent
Cognitive Assistant System"
Terrence Wong - "Extended Filesystem Functionality for Self-Managing Storage Systems"