Here are the links from the 2006 Meeting of the Minds presentations.
Matthew Carson - Blocks World Vision for the AIBO Robot
Natalie Castellana - Haplotype Motif Partitioning for Association Studies
Erick Chastain - How are Faces Special? Eccentricity Bias as a Feasible
Computational Inferotemporal Cortex Organization
Will Cooper - Interactive Ownership Type Inference
Peerapong Dhangwatnotai - Mixture Model for Approximate Inference in
Bayesian Networks
Juan Fasola - Real-Time Visual Robot Detection and Modeling with
Situational Awareness
Ivan Gonzalez - Thumb-Based Interaction Techniques for Input on a
Steering Wheel
William (Spike) Gronim - Methods for Extracting Names from Websites
Containing Lists of People
Joshua Hailpern - Distributed Detection of New Virus Threats in
Large Scale Networks
Matthew Kehrt - Linearity for Objects
Heegun Lee - Enhancing Motion Data with Head and Eye Motion
Ilsun Lee - Managing and Monitoring Spectrum Usage in a Wireless Network
Keunpyo Lee - Dynamic Architecture Reconstruction with Java 2,
Enterprise Edition
Akiva Leffert - Learning Others' Calendars
Yuxiang Liu - Managing and Monitoring Spectrum Usage in a Wireless Network
Nicholas Lynn - Autonomic Computing: Learning to Repair Systems Effectively
David Murray - Adaptive LAN-to-Host Multicast: Optimizing End System
Multicast via LAN Multicast Integration
Andreas Pfenning - A Comparative Genomics Approach to Identifying the
Plasticity Transcriptome
Greg Price - Toward Efficient Proof Search for Linear Logic
Engin Cinar Sahin - Event Representation in Knowledge Systems with Context
Gwendolyn Stockman - The Impact of Abandonment in Multi-Class Priority
Kanat Tangwongsan - Active Data Structures and Applications to Dynamic and
Kinetic Algorithms
Alex Trevor - Analyzing Mobile Sensor Placement for Distributed Object
Yinmeng Zhang - Covert Multi-Party Computation