Here are the links from yesterday's Meeting of the Minds presentations.
Sunsern Cheamanunkul - Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier with Smooth Basis
Alex Grubb - Autonomous Discovery of Landmark Objects
Somchaya Liemhetcharat - Manipulation of Objects Using an AIBO
Brendan Meeder - Proof Triangles: Toward a Formal Theory of Mathematical
Chris Pride - Extending Aura with an Augmented Reality Interface
Joe Rollo - Tracking for a Roboceptionist
Hassan Rom - Robust Detection & Recovery from Service Disruptions in
Distributed Systems
Stephanie Rosenthal - A Template-based Approach to Mobile Reminders
Key Shin - 3Twelf: A Tool for Reasoning about Programs
Seng Keat Teh - Efficient Algorithms for Similarily-Enhanced Transfer in
Peer-to-Peer Systems