What's New on the Language Research Pages?

What's New (July 1995):

July 31
Added the workshop on Formal Methods in Software Practice to the conferences page.

Added Phil Wadler's and Andy Gill's home pages.

Added Andy Gill and Phil Wadler's list of Real World Applications of Functional Programming to the language overviews page.

July 28
Added David Skillicorn and Domenico Talia's text, Programming Languages for Parallel Processing, to the publications and publishers page.
July 27
Added Arvind's home page. Added Carl Gunter's text, Semantics of Programming Languages: Structures and Techniques, to the publications and publishers page.

Added the IFIP Working Group 2.8 on Functional Programming web page to the projects page (for lack of a better place). Also added the Computation Structures Group at MIT.

July 26
Added John Gough's home page.

Added UCL Press to the publications and publishers page.

July 25
Updated the link to the Shape Project on the projects page.
July 20
Created a new page for programming language journals, books (including errata), and publishers. Contributions are welcome!

Added Chris Reade's and Michael Schwartzbach's home pages.

Added the Functional Programming Group at Chalmers to the projects page. Updated the link to the functional programming group at Glasgow.

Added the Glasgow Functional Programming Workshop web page to the conferences page.

July 19
Added the Reflection '96 web page and the OOPSLA'95 Workshop on Modeling with Objects and Values web page to the conferences page.

Added the web pages for ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) and the Bulletin of the IGPL (Interest Group in Pure and Applied Logics) to the miscellaneous page. Also added the Logic Programming Newsletter Archive.

July 18
Added the Mercury page at the University of Melbourne to the language overviews page.

Added Rowan Davies' home page. Updated the links to Matthias Felleisen's and Kim Bruce's home pages.

July 17
Added a link to Jan Vitek's comprehensive archive of comp.compilers. Added the Journal of Symbolic Computation web page to the miscellaneous page.

Added the proceedings of the 1995 Workshop on Automatic Data Layout and Performance Prediction (AP'95) to the conferences page. Also added the SAC '96 (Symposium on Applied Computing) call for papers (for a special track on programming languages).

July 13
Added the Software Composition Group at the University of Berne to the projects page.
July 11
Added John Ophel's and Gregor Kiczales' home pages.
July 10
Added the PLDI '96 (Programming Language Design and Implementation) web page to the conferences page.
July 6
Added Andrew Cumming's Gentle Introduction to ML to the language overviews page.
July 5
Added David Keppel's Runtime Code Generation page to the list of subject-oriented pages.

What's new: June 1995

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Additions and corrections are welcome!