Media Technology Personnel


Professor Roger Dannenberg
phone: 268-3827
office: 3214 WeH, 3213 WeH (music lab), 3215 WeH (multimedia lab)
office hours: Mon 1:30 - 2:30, Fri 11:00 - 12:00

Please drop in at office hours, or make an appointment. (The best way to make an appointment is send mail at least 24 hours in advance with a few times you can meet. I'll pick one and get back to you within 24 hours. To schedule with less advance notice, it's best to call.)

Teaching Assistant

Christian Hoffman
email: or
phone: Only during office hours 268-2956 else 421-4973
office: 3130 WeH
office hours: Mon 4:00 - 5:00, Thr 1:00 - 2:00

Note: I am only in this office during office hours. Don't expect me to be there at other times. Therefore, don't put things under the door and expect me to get them since this office is a general TAing office and is used by other people. If you cannot make office hours, make an appointment.


Kay Kowalsky
phone: 268-5885
office: 3216 WeH
