List of Marr Prize Papers
The Marr prize is an award given to the best papers appearing in the International Conference of
Computer Vision. Updated versions of these papers are then usually reprinted in the International
Journal of Computer Vision.
1987 Marr Prize Paper (1st ICCV) IJCV Vol.1, No. 4, January 1988
- `Optical Flow Using Spatiotemporal Filters' by D.J. Heeger
Honorable Mentions
- 1. `A 'Complexity Level' Analysis of Immediate Vision' by J.K. Tsotsos
- 2. `SNAKES: Active Contour Models' by M. Kass, A. Witkin & D. Terzopoulos
- 3. `Active Vision' by J. Y. Aloimonos, I. Weiss & A. Bandyopadhyay
1988 Marr Prize Paper (2nd ICCV) IJCV Vol. 3, No. 2, June 1989
- `Color from Black and White' by Brian Funt and Jian Ho
Honorable Mentions
- 1. `Organization of Smooth Image Curves at Multiple Scales' by David Lowe
- 2. `Representing Oriented Piecewise C2 Surfaces' by Vishvjit S. Nalwa
- 3. `A Mathematical Analysis of the Motion Coherence Theory' by Alan L. Yuille and Norberto M. Grzywacz
1990 Marr Prize Paper (3rd ICCV) IJCV Vol. 6, No. 3, August 1991
- `Shape from Interreflections' by Shree K. Nayar, Katsushi Ikeuchi and Takeo Kanade
1993(4th ICCV)
1995 Marr Prize Papers (5th ICCV) IJCV Vol. 24, No. 2, September 1997
- 1. `A Theory of Specular Surface Geometry' by Michael Oren and Shree K. Nayar
- 2. `Shape from Shading with Interreflections under a Proximal Light Source: Distortion-Free
Copying of an Unfolded Book' by Toshikazu Wada, Hiroyuki Ukida and Takashi Matsuyama
Honorable Mentions
- 1. `Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information' by Paul Viola and William M. Wells
- 2. `Reconstruction from Image Sequences by Means of Relative Depths' by Anders Heyden
- 3. `Hypergeometric Filters for Optical Flow and Affine Matching' by Yalin Xiong and Steven
A. Shafer
1997 Marr Prize Papers (6th ICCV)
- 1. `Self-Calibration and Metric Reconstruction in spite of Varying and Unknown Internal
Camera Parameters' by Marc Pollefeys, Reinhard Koch and Luc Van Gool
- 2. `Maintaining Multiple Motion Model Hypotheses Over Many Views to Recover Matching
and Structure' by Phil Torr, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon and Andrew Zisserman
Honorable Mention
- `Stereo Matching with Transparency and Matting' by Richard Szeliski and Polina Golland