I am sedated
I Am A Home Page

Student+Misc Info
Ex-Job Info
Grad student @ CMU, but here's what I used to do before that...
Programming and Research work for the Imaging Systems Lab, Robotics Department, Carnegie Mellon University.
Past projects: Optical Chinese and Hangul (Korean) Character recognition, Graphical Image Analysis, plus other small things, (including getting a real home page together)
Random info
- Name: Rick Romero
- Phone: 412-268-2580 (CMU-CLU0)
- Phone: 412-268-6414
- Email: rickr+@cmu.edu
- Favorite Drugs: nicotine and caffeine
- Goal in Life: To one day have no goals
Some Source code
- Splay tree code:
This is an implementation of Tarjan and Sleator's splay tree
algorithm, a self-adjusting binary search tree. I'm working on docs
but the code is pretty easy to use. It should compile with just about
any ANSI C compiler. Amortized log(n) performance.
- Rectangle Access Trees:
This is an implementation of a suite of routines for dealing with rectangles
in a 2D plane. Why rectangles? Well, it's nice if you are doing image
manipulation, it is a natural way of representing image blobs or regions,
and that's the one I managed to find a nice algorithm for. The problem
was that I needed dynamic insertion and deletion in O(log(n)) time, plus
I wanted to do range queries in sub-linear time. (Well, in the worst
case it's obviously not possible, since a range query can return everything
in your tree, but the time spent limiting the search is sub-linear.) For
a description of the algorithm, check out the paper. This one
actually has some man pages and other misc. documentation.
This set of software includes the Splay tree code above, and makes heavy
use of it.
- Combinatorial graphs code: Some code that
embeds graphs into the combinatorial form. I did this for an algorithms class,
so it may or may not be useful to you. Allows you to get the genus of a graph,
and compute the connected components.
If it is illegal to operate a Ponzi scheme, can we force the government via
lawsuit to operate Social Security as a true trust fund, and not just another
pyramid scheme? Better yet, can we force Congress through the courts to
operate on a perpetual balanced budget? Worth looking into, seeing as how
the balanced budget amendment looks like it will never pass.
Isn't it about time this country elected a president who was a leader?
Random pointers
Back door to CMU
CIA Server Cause you never know when you might need a spy...