Recent Publications (1993-present)
Journal Papers
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, ``Toward automatic robot instruction from
perception -- Temporal segmentation of tasks from human hand motion,''
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 11, no. 5, Oct. 1995.
- K. Ikeuchi and S.B. Kang, ``Programming grasping tasks by human
demonstration,'' Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan,
vol. 13, no. 5, July 1995 (in Japanese).
- R. Szeliski and S.B. Kang, "Recovering 3D shape and motion from image
streams using non-linear least squares," Journal of Visual Communication
and Image Representation, vol. 5, no. 1, March 1994.
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "Toward automatic robot instruction from
perception: Recognizing a grasp from observation," IEEE Trans. on
Robotics and Automation, vol. 9, no. 4, Aug. 1993.
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "The Complex EGI: A new representation for 3-D
pose determination," IEEE Trans. Patt. Anal. Machine Intell.,
vol. 15, no. 7, July 1993.
Journal Papers (to appear)
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, ``Toward automatic robot instruction from
perception -- Mapping human grasps to manipulator grasps,'' to appear in
IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, vol. 12, no. 6, Dec. 1996.
- S.B. Kang and R. Szeliski, ``3-D scene data recovery using
omnidirectional multibaseline stereo,'' to appear in
International Journal of Computer Vision, 1997.
- S.B. Kang, R. Szeliski, and H.-Y. Shum, ``A parallel feature tracker
for extended image sequences,'' to appear in
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol. 65, no. 3, May 1997.
- R. Szeliski and S.B. Kang, ``Shape ambiguities in structure from
motion,'' to appear in IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Refereed Conference Papers
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "Robot task programming by human demonstration:
Mapping human grasps to manipulator grasps," Proc. IEEE/RSJ/GI
Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Munchen, Germany, Sept.
1994, pp. 97-104.
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "Determination of motion breakpoints in a task
sequence from human hand motion," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on
Robotics and Automation, San Diego, CA, May 1994.
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "Grasp recognition and manipulative motion
characterization from human hand sequences," Proc. IEEE Int'l
Conf. on Robotics and Automation, San Diego, CA, May 1994.
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "A grasp abstraction hierarchy for recognition
of grasping tasks from observation," Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf.
on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Yokohama, Japan, July 1993.
- K. Ikeuchi and S.B. Kang, "Assembly Plan from Observation," AAAI Fall
Symposium on Machine Learning in Computer Vision: What, Why and How?,
Raleigh, NC, Oct. 1993.
- R. Szeliski and S.B. Kang, "Recovering 3D shape and motion from image
streams using non-linear least squares," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Comp.
Vision and Patt. Recog., New York, NY, June 1993.
Unrefereed/Invited Papers
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "Robot task programming by human demonstration,"
to appear in Proc. Image Understanding Workshop,
Monterey, CA, Nov. 1994.
- S.B. Kang, J.A. Webb, C.L. Zitnick, and T. Kanade, "An active
multibaseline stereo system with real-time acquisition," to appear in
Proc. Image Understanding Workshop, Monterey, CA, Nov. 1994.
Technical Reports
- S.B. Kang, J.A. Webb, C.L. Zitnick, and T. Kanade, An active
multibaseline stereo system with real-time image acquisition,
Tech. Rep. CMU-CS-94-167, 1994.
Abstract ;
Lots of images!)
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, Temporal segmentation of tasks
from human hand motion,
Tech. Rep. CMU-CS-93-150, Carnegie Mellon University, April 1993.
- J.A. Webb, T. Warfel, and S.B. Kang, A scalable video rate camera
interface, Tech. Rep. CMU-CS-94-192, 1994.
Abstract ;
Lots of images!)
- R. Szeliski and S.B. Kang, Recovering 3D shape and motion from image
streams using non-linear least squares,
Tech. Rep. CRL 93/3, Digital Equipment Corporation,
Cambridge Research Lab, March 1993.
Older Stuff (until 1992)
Journal Papers
- K.N. Ngan and S.B. Kang, "3-D object recognition using fuzzy quaternions,"
IEE Proc. I (Communications, Speech and Vision),
UK, vol. 139, no. 6, Dec. 1992.
- K.N. Ngan and S.B. Kang, "Geometric modeling of IC die bonds for
inspection," Pattern Recognition Letters 10, July 1989.
Refereed Conference Papers
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "Grasp recognition using the contact web,"
Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int'l Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
Raleigh, NC, July 1992.
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, "Determining 3-D object pose using the Complex
Extended Gaussian Image," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Comp. Vision and Patt.
Recog., Maui, HI, June 1991.
- K.N. Ngan and S.B. Kang, "Fuzzy quaternion approach to object recognition
incorporating Zernike moment invariants," Proc. 10th Int'l Conf. on Patt.
Recog., Atlantic City, NJ, June 1990.
- K.N. Ngan and S.B. Kang, "3-D object recognition using fuzzy quaternions
with two degrees of freedom," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Image Processing,
Singapore, Sept. 1989.
- K.N. Ngan and S.B. Kang, "Automated inspection of IC bonding wires using
Hough transform," Proc. 14th Conf. of IEEE Industrial Electronics Soc.
(IECON), Singapore, Oct. 1988.
- K.N. Ngan and S.B. Kang, "IC wire bond inspection using elliptical model
approximation," Proc. IEEE Int'l Conf. on Robotics and Automation,
Philadelphia, PA, Apr. 1988.
Technical Reports
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, A framework for recognizing grasps,
Tech. Rep. CMU-RI-TR-91-24, Carnegie Mellon University, Nov. 1991.
- S.B. Kang and K. Ikeuchi, 3-D object pose determination using
Complex EGI,
Tech. Rep. CMU-RI-TR-90-18, Carnegie Mellon University, Oct. 1990.
Feedback/paper requests