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Pointer to JAIR - the Journal of AI & Research.

Pointer to EJCCE - the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics and Combinatorial Exchange.

Pointer to ECCC - the Electronic Colloquium on Combinatroial Complexity.

Pointer to KR-96 - Fifth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.

Pointer to ICRA-97 - International Confrence on Robotics and Automation.

Pointer to ICML-97 and COLT-97 - The Fourteenth Intenational Conference on Machine Learning and The Tenth Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory.

Pointer to EPIA'97 - 8th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Pointer to AIPS-98 - The Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems (AIPS-98).

Pointer to COLT-96 - IX-th Conference on Computational Learning Theory.

Pointer to XXVII Southeastern International Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing.

This is a good pointer to the collection of AI Conferences .

Pointers to AAAI , SIAM and AMS Home pages.


Refs to Funding Agencies

Pointer to the National Science Foundation.

Pointer to the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency .



Pointer to my SportRefsZone - a collection of REF's to other's Sport Pages, list of Russian records in track & field after the controvercial split of CCCP.



This is a Stock Market ref.

This is a Securities ref.

Yury Smirnov (smir+@cs.cmu.edu)

2123 Shady Ave., #A5 Pgh, PA 15217
Home: (412)421-1304
Work: (412)268-3076