Yuri Smirnov's Track and Field Page

Please, don't , this page has nothing to do with SOCCER.

Welcome to the Track and Field page.

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Track and Field Records and Refs

* Pointer to Athletics Home Page - a set of world and national track and field refs and records from Finland.

* List of European outdoor Track and Field records : it's under development (pending athlets' achievements :-) I could be wrong in some old spellings and new results. Great thanks to everyone who sent me corrections of both.

* List of Russian outdoor Track and Field records : the split of CCCP into independant states made it somewhat difficult to distinguish CCCP, Russia and Europe and other independant states' records. This is the point of view of Russian Federation of T&F. It contains some controvercies.

* List of St.Petersburg outdoor Track and Field records - that was a bit easier to decide after the split than with the whole Russia.

* Results of the Zurich Weltklasse - the most sponsored Track and Field meet, Zurich, August 16-17, 95. See the results and enjoy new world records along with the list of World Records set in 1995.


General Track and Field Refs

* Pointer to ESPNET SpotsZone - sport news from ESPN.

* Pointer to USATF (US Track & Field Federation).

* Pointer to T&F News (Track & Field News).

* Pointer to Runner's WWW-page featuring various running activities including latest track and field, and road events.

* Pointer to Running Statistics - latest track and field, and road events.

* Pointer to NCAA Track and Field ratings .

* Yet another pointer to Track and Field events .

* Pointer to the XC Championships-95 - NCAA Div.I&III and Minnesota levels.

* Pointer to the missing at MN site XC NCAA Div.II-95 and US Nationals in XC-95.

* Pointer to the Track & Field page of the University of South Dakota.

* Pointer to the Track & Field page of Syracuse University.

* Pointer to the Track & Field page of the Washington University in St.Lois.


T&F in Pittsburgh and Vicinities

* Results of the top men in the Pittsburgh Great Race-95 and Great Race-96 *.

* Results of the top men in the Youngstown Peace Race-95 and Peace Race-96 .

* World and US five bests on tracks and roads in 1995. Don't blame me for incorrectness.


Small Picture Gallery

* This is me in action (200' to go in Parkersburg's 13.1M).

* Who could possibly record me as 30:13 at the Peace Race-95? (See 30:12 on the clock AFTER the finish line)

* Me leading the front pack at the breaking-performance Pittsburgh's Great Race-95 .


My personal best:

Track outdoors

  100m:   11.0   St.Petersburg  12.09.83
  200m:   22.8   St.Petersburg  25.08.82
  400m:   48.7   St.Petersburg  12.06.84
  800m: 1:49.6   St.Petersburg  26.06.84
        1:49.95  Kiev           14.07.84
 1000m: 2:22.5   St.Petersburg  15.07.85
 1500m: 3:43.4   St.Petersburg  25.06.84
 3000m: 8:16.7   St.Petersburg  16.07.85

Track indoors

   60m:    7.2   Sillamae       05.04.84
  100m:   11.3   St.Petersburg  17.10.83
  600m: 1:20.5   St.Petersburg  24.12.83
  800m: 1:53.7   Rostov-na-Donu 08.03.84
 1000m: 2:26.06  St.Petersburg  23.01.87
 1500m: 3:52.37  St.Petersburg  12.02.87
 3000m: 8:23.5   St.Petersburg  28.02.85


  Mile: 3:52.35  Wheeling,WV    25.05.95
    5K:  14:58   Pittsburgh,PA  04.07.95
	 14:42	 Youngstown,OH	08.10.95 (5K split in 10K)
    5M:  24:42   Youngstown,OH  09.10.94 (5M split in 10K)
    	 24:28	 Pittsburgh,PA	24.09.95 (5M split in 10K)
	 24:08	 Youngstown,OH	08.10.95 (5M split in 10K)
   10K:  30:45   Youngstown,OH  09.10.94
	 30:20	 Pittsburgh,PA  24.09.95
	 30:13   Youngstown,OH	08.10.95
 13.1M: 1:11:24  Parkersburg,WV 19.08.95 (I  experience)
        1:10:25  Parkersburg,WV 17.08.96 (II experience)
Marathon: 0 experience

Cross Country

    5K:  15:20   Evpatoria,SU   20.11.84 (have you tried running
					  on beach sand ?)
    8K:  24:20   Essentuki,SU   26.04.87 (might be slightly shorter)

Swimming indoors

   50m:         25.2   St.Petersburg  20.10.83
  100m:         57.2   St.Petersburg  16.03.79
  200m:       2:12.8   St.Petersburg  05.01.79
  400m:       4:49.6   St.Petersburg  02.03.81
 1500m:      18:28.4   St.Petersburg  04.04.77

  100m(b/s):  1:04.1   St.Petersburg  17.03.79
  200m(b/s):  2:25.8   St.Petersburg  18.04.79

  200m(med):  2:28.6   St.Petersburg  12.03.79


  300km: 9h 45min 37sec  Motala,Sweden  15.06.90 (first and for sure last experience)
        (I should've been crazy to agree for this adventure without training)

Cross-country Skiing

	5K:    17.12   It would be faster to run with skies in hands.
       10K:    39.20   See the comment above.

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Yury Smirnov (smir+@cs.cmu.edu)

2123 Shady Ave., #A5 Pgh, PA 15217
Home: (412)421-1304
Work: (412)268-3076