Squirrel Hill / Greenfield Loop
Here's my current "daily" ride, picked because it doesn't take too much time
and is a decent loop from my apartment.
- Start at 5th & Woodland (Chatham College)
- 5th to Beechwood
- Beechwood to Greenfield Avenue (wide street & few stops).
[From Beechwood, angle left onto Hazelwood at the Burger King
5-way intersection. Greenfield is your second right -ed.]
- Greenfield to Pocusset [via Greenfield Bridge across the Parkway -ed.]
- Pocusset to Wightman to Forbes
(a steeper alternative of Wightman is Murray, but I prefer the
quieter & wider Wightman)
- Forbes to Schenley Park (fun downhill, but watch traffic) to Frew
(the park is a good place to arbitrarily extend the ride)
- Frew, through CMU campus, to Forbes
- Forbes to Beeler to Wilkins
(a steeper & longer alternative to Beeler is up Forbes to Murray)
- Wilkins to Woodland, through Chatham College, to 5th
Distance (of basic route) is 10.2 miles. My usual time is ~40 min.
John Greiner