Tables of Contents for CS Journals

These are links into tables of contents of computer journals received by the E&S library. Some of them point to directories maintained by the library. In each of these directories, plaintext versions of the contents can be found in the .doc files, and Scribe versions can be found in the .lbib files. This list only includes journals which have had new entries filed after 1991.

Some links point to tables of contents (from 1993 onward) maintained by IEEE. Here is a full listing of their computer publication tables of contents and abstracts.

The journals

  • ACM Computing Surveys
  • ACM Transactions on Computer Systems
  • ACM Transactions on Database Systems
  • ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
  • AI Expert
  • AI Magazine
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • AT&T Technical Journal
  • Australian Computer Journal
  • Behavioral and Brain Sciences
  • Cognition
  • Cognitive Science
  • Communications of the ACM
  • Complex Systems
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Computer Speech and Language
  • Concurrency - Practice and Experience
  • CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing
  • CVGIP: Image Understanding
  • Human Factors
  • IEEE Computer
  • IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
  • IEEE Design and Test of Computers (at IEEE)
  • IEEE Expert
  • IEEE Micro (at IEEE)
  • IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology (at IEEE)
  • IEEE Software (at IEEE)
  • IEEE Transactions on Computers (at IEEE)
  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
  • IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
  • IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
  • IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
  • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
  • IEEE Transactions on VLSI (at IEEE)
  • International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
  • Journal of Algorithms
  • Journal of Automated Reasoning
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
  • Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
  • Journal of Logic Programming
  • Journal of Robotic Systems
  • Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Journal of the ACM
  • Machine Learning
  • Machine Translation
  • Neural Networks
  • Parallel Computing
  • Psychological Review
  • Software - Practice and Experience
  • (last updated 20-Apr-94)