Plans for future lives
- Own a brewery!
- Study at the Siebel Institute,
2 years in England learning the secrets of cask conditioned real ales,
2 years in Germany learning about purity,
2 years in Belgium learning to contaminate beers
(who knows maybe even join a monastary),
2 years in California learning the right way to brew.
Open a brewpub, charge $3.00/pint, $6.00/bottle for
Increase capacity, add a bottling line, contract brew best seller, go national.
Retire at 30 to devote full time to playing darts.
- Play major league ball!
- Be a catcher!
Bat .250, no need to steal bases, no need to throw the ball past 2nd.
Wear the "Tools of Ignorance" with pride.
Earn a quick trip to the majors, making only $2M/year.
Retire at 30 with bad knees.
- Art Nouveau!
- Anything goes as long as its big.
Work hard for a pittance from the unappreciative and unenlightened.
Learn to scoff at critics and shun public showings.
Die at 30, in poverty and relative obscurity.
Carnegie Mellon University / School of Computer Science /