How Now Brown Ale
- 6.5 lbs Briess 2-row pale malt
- 0.5 lb M&F crystal malt (~55L)
- 0.25 lb chocolate malt
- 1 lb light brown sugar
- 1.3 oz N.Brewer hop pellets (7.5%AA) (60 min)
- 0.5 oz E.Kent Goldings hop plug (5.0%AA) (2 min)
- 1 tsp Irish moss (15 min)
- 1 tsp gypsum
- 1 pkg (11.5 grams) dry Edme Ale yeast
Heat 7 qts water & gypsum to 168F. Dough-in grain. Hold mash at 152F
for 60 minutes for starch conversion. Mash out at 168F for 5 minutes.
Sparge with 170F water to collect 6 1/2 gallons. Boil for 90 minutes.
OG = 1.050
FG = 1.008