Today's Reading:

from: "Take Time for Paradise: Americans and Their Games"
by: A. Bartlett Giamatti

When we watch a contest or sport, and internalize the deep fact that this is an activity that has no ultimate consequence, no later outcome, no real effect beyond itself, we invest it with tremendous significance because in this world of history and work and endless, tangled consequence, to have no "real" consequence or sequel is such a rare event. And when in the midst of that free time activity (as we understand the meaning of leisure) a person on the field or fairway, rink, floor, or track, performs an act that surpasses - despite his or her evident mortality, his or her humanness - whatever we have seen or heard of or could conceive of doing ourselves, then we have witnessed, full-fledged, fulfilled, what we anticipated and what all the repetition in the game strove for, a moment when we are all free of all constraint of all kinds, when pure energy and pure order create an instant of complete coherence. In that instant, pulled to our feet, we are pulled out of ourselves. We feel what we saw, become what we perceived.

Carnegie Mellon University / School of Computer Science /