A Computational Model for Repeated Pattern Perception
(last updated August 2003)
This research is currently supported in part by an NSF award IIS-0099597, and
in part by ONR N00014-00-10915.
Y. Liu, J. Hays, Y.Q. Xu and H. Shum.
``Digital Papercutting", Technical Sketch, SIGGRAPH. 2005.
W.C. Lin and Y. Liu.
``NRT-based Texture Replacement in Real Videos", Technical Sketch, SIGGRAPH. 2005.
Y. Liu, Y. Tsin and W.C. Lin.
``The Promise and Perils of Near-Regular Texture",
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), Vol 62, No. 1-2, pp. 145-159. April, 2005.
pdf file .
Y. Liu, W.C. Lin and J. Hays
``Near-Regular Texture Analysis and Manipulation",
pdf file .
Y. Liu, R. T. Collins and Y. Tsin
``A Computational Model for Periodic Pattern Perception Based on Frieze and Wallpaper Groups'',
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
pdf file . March, 2004.
Liu, Y., Collins,R.T. and Tsin, Y.
``Gait Sequence Analysis using Frieze Patterns'',
European Conference on Computer Vision 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark. May 28-31, 2002.
(On-line versions)
Liu, Y. and Collins,R.T.,
``Skewed Symmetry Groups'',
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference 2001 (CVPR'01),
Kauai, December, 2001.
(on-line version)
video on affine deformation of wallpaper patterns based on their wallpaper groups
Tsin, Y., Liu, Y. and Ramesh, V.,
``Texture Replacement in Real Images'',
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference 2001 (CVPR'01),
Kauai, December, 2001.
(on-line version)
(More examples)
Yanxi Liu and Robert T. Collins.
``A Computational Model for Repeated Pattern Perception
using Frieze and Wallpaper Groups'',
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference 2000 (CVPR'00),
Hiltonhead, June, 2000.
(On-line versions)
Color Poster (.ppt file),
Yanxi Liu and Robert T. Collins.
``Frieze and Wallpaper Symmetry Groups Classification
under Affine and Perspective Distortion''.
CMU RI-98-37 (on-line versio)
December 1998.