MERRICK FURST PROFESSOR, COMPUTER SCIENCE ASSOCIATE DEAN I am interested in internet-based tools for resource discovery and information exchange. My research project, Six Degrees of Separation, is developing a distributed information exchange. The central premise behind the 6DOS exchange is that the National Information Infrastructure provides an opportunity for a new market for information exchange, in which individuals and organizations with problems can be efficiently connected to people and information that provide solutions. From a recent proposal: "The 6DOS system will rely on several characteristics of computer networks and human groups: (1) a chain of less than six people typically connects any person with a question to the appropriate person with the answer, (2) the NII can provide the substrate for communication, bookkeeping, and money exchange that will enable and motivate these chains of people to form and collaborate, (3) software for routing questions and caching answers to routine questions can significantly augment this network of human contacts, and (4) motivation for people to participate in the routing and answering of questions will be provided by a combination of money exchange, reliance on personal contacts, and altruism." I am also interested in establishing connections between computer science and mathematics with the goal of developing new computational tools and methods. I work on discovering new algorithms and understanding the inherent complexity of fundamental computational problems. I also work on graph-theoretic algorithms, problems in circuit and algebraic complexity, applications to parallel computation and theoretical aspects of machine learning theory. In complexity theory I mainly work on the complexity of representing functions as circuits. This approach holds the most promise, of all current approaches, for resolving the P versus NP problem. In this work, many beautiful mathematical methods are employed, for example: the combinatorics of probabilistic restrictions, counting arguments, algebraic decompositions, geometric arguments and communication complexity. I am also developing a new approach to the Artificial Intelligence Planning Problem with Avrim Blum. He and I are studying a new representation of plans which appears to make the exponential search for plans more manageable. So far the implementations show great promise.