Tips on Writing Better HTML
Read Tim
Berners-Lee's style guide for more detail.
Funding provided by 
Never say ``click here'', instead write the prose as though no link
were present.
Click here to see the source code. THIS IS BAD!!!
Source code is also available.
View your page from several browsers! Some
Netscape extensions won't even be displayed under
or text-only browsers.
Fancy Netscape tables
look empty in X Mosaic 2.5!
You can see how your browser treats a set of
example tables.
Keep all file URLs local. Don't force local users to go through the
server by always prepending
<a href="">
<a href="tips.html">
much better!
Always provide some warning when an anchor leads to a very
large or binary file.
The image and source code are available.
The image (1400Kb) and
source code are available.
Give every page a title that can be understood out of context.
foo.c THIS IS BAD!!
Example source that uses the CMU-GIL library
Provide links back to higher-level pages.
Our group is part of Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science.
Put your name and a pointer to your home page at the bottom of EVERY