From Wed Feb 16 17:57:22 EST 1994 Article: 20700 of Xref: Path:!!!!!!sdcc12!cs!rik From: (Rik Belew) Newsgroups: Subject: AI Genealogy [LONG] [Repost] Message-ID: <> Date: 15 Feb 94 21:21:21 GMT Sender: Organization: =CSE Dept., U.C. San Diego Lines: 530 Nntp-Posting-Host: [There seems to have been a problem posting this last week, so I am resending it to some lists. I apologize for any duplication. -Rik] AI GENEALOGY Building an AI family tree More and more collections of bibliographic references to the literatures of artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science and other disciplines are becoming available over the Net. Much of the work in free-text information retrieval (IR) is aimed at developing INDEXING methods which would allow access to these citations by appropriate keywords. Another potential source of information that could augment these is "cultural" information capturing some features of the SOCIAL relationships among authors in a field. Towards that purpose, we ask your help in developing a "family tree" capturing one type of intellectual relationship, thesis advising. Historians and philosophers of science have pointed to the importance of this channel of intellectual lineage generally, and some preliminary studies have explored its role in AI in particular. Some of you may recall an earlier version of this query sent out several years ago. From this call and other sources we have to date collected information on approximately 2600 Masters and Ph.D. theses nominally in the area of AI. As a result, information about your thesis may already be included in our database. A small, early subset of theses for which we have data are included in a report below. The entire list (about 170KB) is available for anonymous FTP at: However, we know that our methods for collecting this data have not been exhaustive, and so we are again sending this query out to relevant places on the Net (news groups, etc.) in hopes of filling in gaps. In some cases we are missing information (esp. thesis abstracts) in the records of some individuals (these are denoted by dashes in the reports). In many more cases, we know we are missing names entirely. If you are not already included in our database, have a Masters or Ph.D. and consider yourself a researcher in AI, we would like you to send us some information about your thesis: its year, title, abstract, where you got your degree, who your advisor and committee members were. In subsequent work, we also hope to analyze flow between research institutions, and so we also ask where you have worked since you completed your degree. The specific questions are contained in a brief questionnaire below, and this is followed by an example. If you can snip this (soft copy) questionnaire, fill it in and send back to me intact it will reduce the chance that we'll get any of your data wrong and make our parsing task easier. If you know some of these facts about your advisor (committee members), and their advisors, etc., we would appreciate it if you could send that information as well. One of our goals is to trace the genealogy of today's researchers back as far as possible, for example to participants in the Dartmouth conference of 1956, as well as connections to other disciplines. If you do have any of this information, simply duplicate the questionnaire and fill in a separate copy for each person. Also, please forward this query to any of your colleagues that may not see this mailing list. Let me anticipate some concerns you may have. First, no one would suggest that AI research is published only in theses. This restriction is designed only to explore one notion of "intellectual lineage" more precisely. To the extent that this information about AI authors proves useful, it should be possible to extrapolate from theses to other publications by these same individuals. Also, be advised that this is very much a not-for-profit operation. The resulting information will remain a resource in the public domain and available for FTP (and soon Gopher and WWW, etc.) access. If you have any questions, or suggestions, please let me know. Thank you for your help. Richard K. Belew Computer Science & Engr. Dept. (0114) Univ. Calif. - San Diego La Jolla, CA 92093-0114 619/534-2601 619/534-5948 (messages) Enclosures: Questionaire - template Questionaire - sample AI Genealogy report - sample --------------------------------------------------------- AI Genealogy questionnaire Please complete and return to: NAME: Thesis year: Thesis title: Thesis abstract - BEGIN Thesis abstract - END Department: University: Univ. location: Thesis advisor: Advisor's department: Committee member: Member's department: Committee member: Member's department: Research group: Research institution: Institution location: Dates: Research group: Research institution: Institution location: Dates: --------------------------------------------------------- AI Genealogy questionnaire EXAMPLE NAME: Richard K. Belew Thesis year: 1986 Thesis title: Adaptive information retrieval: machine learning in associative networks Thesis abstract - BEGIN One interesting issue in artificial intelligence (AI) currently is the relative merits of, and relationship between, the "symbolic" and "connectionist" approaches to intelligent systems building. The performance of more traditional symbolic systems has been striking, but getting these systems to learn truly new symbols has proven difficult. Recently, some researchers have begun to explore a distinctly different type of representation, similar in some respects to the nerve nets of several decades past. In these massively parallel, connectionist models, symbols arise implicitly, through the interactions of many simple and sub-symbolic elements. One of the advantages of using such simple elements as building blocks is that several learning algorithms work quite well. The range of application for connectionist models has remained limited, however, and it has been difficult to bridge the gap between this work and standard AI. The AIR system represents a connectionist approach to the problem of free-text information retrieval (IR). Not only is this an increasingly important type of data, but it provides an excellent demonstration of the advantages of connectionist mechanisms, particularly adaptive mechanisms. AIR's goal is to build an indexing structure that will retrieve documents that are likely to be found relevant. Over time, by using users' browsing patterns as an indication of approval, AIR comes to learn what the keywords (symbols) mean so as use them to retrieve appropriate documents. AIR thus attempts to bridge the gap between connectionist learning techniques and symbolic knowledge representations. The work described was done in two phases. The first phase concentrated on mapping the IR task into a connectionist network; it is shown that IR is very amenable to this representation. The second, more central phase of the research has shown that this network can also adapt. AIR translates the browsing behaviors of its users into a feedback signal used by a Hebbian-like local learning rule to change the weights on some links. Experience with a series of alternative learning rules are reported, and the results of experiments using human subjects to evaluate the results of AIR's learning are presented. Thesis abstract - END Department: Computer & Communication Sciences (CCS) University: University of Michigan Univ. location: Ann Arbor, Michigan Thesis advisor: Stephen Kaplan Advisor's department: Psychology Thesis advisor: Paul D. Scott Advisor's department: CCS Committee member: Michael D. Gordon Member's department: Mgmt. Info. Systems - Business School Committee member: John H. Holland Member's department: CCS Committee member: Robert K. Lindsay Member's department: Psychology Research group: Computer Science & Engr. Dept. Research institution: Univ. California - San Diego Institution location: La Jolla, CA Dates: 9/1/86 - present --------------------------------------------------------- McCulloch, W. S. ---- Minsky, Marvin ---- ---- Winston, Patrick H. ---- 1985 Andreae, Peter JUSTIFIED GENERALIZATION:... 1992 Lee, Jintae A DECISION RATIONALE... 1992 Borchardt, Gary Conrad CAUSAL RECONSTRUCTION:... ---- Greenblatt, Richard ---- ---- Evans, Thomas ---- 1964 Bobrow, Daniel G. USING NATURAL LANGUAGE INPUT... 1964 Raphael, Bert SEMANTIC INFORMATION RETRIEVER 1968 Guzman, Adolfo COMPUTER RECOGNITION OF... 1970 Jones, Thomas L. A COMPUTER MODEL OF SIMPLE... 1970 Horn, Berthold K.P. SHAPE FROM SHADING: A METHOD... 1978 Woodham, Robert REFLECTANCE MAP TECHNIQUES... 1987 Gennert, Michael A. A COMPUTATIONAL FRAMEWORK... 1971 Smoliar, Stephen William A PARALLEL PROCESSING MODEL... ---- Papert, Seymour ---- ---- Charniak, Eugene SEE CO-ADV MOSES, JOEL 1970 Winograd, Terry PROCEDURES AS A... 1981 Gabriel, Richard P. AN ORGANIZATION FOR PROGRAMS... 1993 Mcgee, Kevin PLAY AND THE GENESIS OF... Shannon, C. ---- McCarthy, John ---- 1966 Reddy, D. Raj AN APPROACH TO COMPUTER... 1974 Erman, Lee D. AN ENVIRONMENT AND SYSTEM... Moses, Joel ---- Charniak, Eugene PATTERN RECOGNITION? 1983 Hirst, Graeme SEMANTIC INTERPRETATION... 1986 Hendler, James Alexander INTEGRATING MARKER-PASSING... 1989 Kambhampati, Subbarao FLEXIBLE REUSE AND... 1992 Spector, Lee Arthur SUPERVENIENCE IN... 1988 Mccartney, Robert David SYNTHESIZING ALGORITHMS WITH... 1990 Calistri, Randall J. CLASSIFYING AND DETECTING... 1991 Goldman, Robert Prescott A PROBABILISTIC APPROACH TO... Mandelbrot ---- Agmon, Jacob ---- ---- Shamir, Eliahu ---- ---- Beeri, Catriel ---- 1981 Vardi, Moshe Y. THE IMPLICATION PROBLEM FOR... 1978 Lehmann, Daniel CATEGORIES FOR FIXPOINT... Simon, Herbert A. 1957 Newell, Allen INFORMATION PROCESSING : A... 1964 London, Ralph L. A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR... 1966 Ernst, George W. GENERALITY AND GPS 1991 He, Xiaoping METHODS FOR AN EXPERT SYSTEM... 1967 Winikoff, Arnold W. EYE MOVEMENTS AS AN AID TO... 1968 Quatse, Jesse T. A HIGHLY-MODULAR... 1968 Fikes, Richard E. A HEURISTIC PROGRAM FOR... 1969 Freeman, Peter A. SOURCEBOOK FOR OSD : AN... 1971 Moore, James Aston Jr. THE DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF... 1972 Gibbons, Gregory Debbie BEYOND REF - ARF : TOWARD AN... 1973 Moran, Thomas Patrick THE SYMBOLIC IMAGERY... 1974 Farley, Arthur Melvin VIPS : A VISUAL IMAGERY AND... 1974 Young, Richard M. CHILDREN'S SERIATION... 1974 Reeker, Larry Henry A PROBLEM-SOLVING THEORY OF... 1974 Mann, William Carlton MEMORY PROCESSES FOR... 1975 Brooks, Ruven E. A MODEL OF HUMAN COGNITIVE... 1976 Rychener, Michael David PRODUCTION SYSTEMS AS A... 1978 Card, Stuart K. STUDIES IN THE PSYCHOLOGY OF... 1978 McCracken, Donald A PRODUCTION SYSTEM VERSION... 1978 Gillogly, James John PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF THE... 1979 Forgy, Charles Lanny ON THE EFFICIENT... 1981 Ramakrishna, Kamesh SCHEMATIZATION AS AN AID TO... 1981 Mostow, Jack MECHANICAL TRANSFORMATION OF... 1992 Bhatnagar, Neeraj ON-LINE LEARNING FROM SEARCH... 1983 Rosenbloom, Paul Simon THE CHUNKING OF GOAL... 1992 Golding, Andrew Robert PRONOUNCING NAMES BY A... 1983 Laird, John E. UNIVERSAL SUBGOALING 1989 Markovitch, Shaul SEE CO-ADV SCOTT, PAUL D. 1990 Paxton, John Telfair MARTIAN: A CONCEPT LEARNING... 1988 John, Bonnie Elizabeth. CONTRIBUTIONS TO ENGINEERING... 1989 Steier, David Menachem. AUTOMATING ALGORITHM DESIGN... 1992 Yost, Gregg R. TAQL: A PROBLEM SPACE TOOL... 1959 Feldman, Julian AN ANALYSIS OF PREDICTIVE... 1960 Feigenbaum, Edward A. AN INFORMATION PROCESSING... ---- Lenat, Douglas B. ---- 1989 Karp, Peter Dornin HYPOTHESIS FORMATION AND... 1992 Guha, Ramanathan V. SEE CO-ADV MCCARTHY, JOHN 1961 Lindsay, Robert K. THE READING MACHINE PROBLEM. 1962 Muth, John F. OPTIMAL LINEAR POLICIES. 1963 Levy, Ferdinand Katz AN ADAPTIVE PRODUCTION... 1964 Knight, Kenneth E. A FAST SORT OF COUNTRY : A... 1965 Williams, Thomas G. SOME STUDIES IN GAME PLAYING... 1966 Crecine, John P. A COMPUTER SIMULATION MODEL... 1967 Quillian, M. Ross SEMANTIC MEMORY. 1967 Coles, L. Stephen SYNTAX DIRECTED... 1967 Klahr, David DECISION MAKING IN A COMPLEX... 1967 Soelberg, Peer A STUDY FOR DECISION MAKING... 1968 Siklossy, Laurent NATURAL LANGUAGE LEARINING... 1968 Bree, David S. THE UNDERSTANDING PROCESS AS... 1969 Wilson, Glenn Tilbrook BEHAVIORAL THEORY OF... 1969 Dansereau, Donald F. AN INFORMATION PROCESSING... 1969 Pople, Harry E. Jr. A GOAL-ORIENTED LANGUAGE FOR... 1969 Williams, Donald S. COMPUTER PROGRAM... 1969 Huesmann, L. Rowell A STUDY OF HEURISTIC... 1969 Waldinger, Richard J. CONSTRUCTING PROGRAMS... 1970 Grason, John. METHODS FOR THE... 1971 Ein-Dor, Phillip ELEMENTS OF A THEORY OF... 1971 Tuggle, Francis Douglas A PRODUCTION SYSTEM... 1971 Pfefferkorn, Charles E. COMPUTER DESIGN OF EQUIPMENT... 1973 Friend, Kenneth Edwin AN INFORMATION PROCESSING... 1974 Gilmartin, Kevin J. AN INFORMATION PROCESSING... 1974 Rosenberg, Steven T. MODELLING SEMANTIC MEMORY : ... 1974 Hedrick, Charles L. A COMPUTER PROGRAM TO LEARN... 1978 Bouwman, Marinus J. FINANCIAL DIAGNOSIS: A... 1979 Gaschnig, John PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND... 1980 Langley, Patrick W. DECSRIPTIVE DISCOVERY... 1989 Nordhausen, Bernd Enno A COMPUTATIONAL FRAMEWORK... 1989 Rose, Donald David BELIEF REVISION AND MACHINE... 1989 Jones, Randolph Martin A MODEL OF RETRIEVAL IN... 1990 Gennari, John Hewson AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF... 1991 Iba, Wayne Franklin ACQUISITION AND IMPROVEMENT... 1981 Neves, David Michael LEARNING PROCEDURES FOR... 1981 Bromiley, Philip A BEHAVIORAL INVESTIGATION... 1983 Korf, Richard Earl LEARNING TO SOLVE PROBLEMS... 1993 Powley, Curtis Nelson PARALLEL TREE SEARCH ON A... 1983 Fox, Mark S. CONSTRAINT-DIRECTED SEARCH :... 1984 Kotovsky, Kenneth TOWER OF HANOI PROBLEM... 1985 Tomita, Masaru AN EFFICIENT CONTEXT-FREE... 1986 Zhang, Guo-Jan LEARNING TO PROGRAM IN OPS5. 1988 Kulkarni, Deepak. THE PROCESSES OF SCIENTIFIC... 1988 Iwasaki, Yumi MODEL BASED REASONING OF... 1989 Shen, Wei-Min. LEARNING FROM ENVIRONMENTS... 1991 Valdes-Perez, Raul Eduardo MACHINE DISCOVERY OF... Luce, R. Duncan 1962 Norman, Donald A. NEURAL QUANTUM THEORY Hunt, Earl B. 1968 Quinlan, J. Ross AN EXPERIENCE-GATHERING... Mey, Jacob 1969 Schank, Roger C. A CONCEPTUAL DEPENDENCY... ---- Reisbeck, C. ---- ---- Seifert, C. ---- ---- Gershman ---- ---- Lytinen, S. ---- ---- Carbonell, Jaime G. ---- 1988 Minton, Steven LEARNING EFFECTIVE SEARCH... 1991 Perlin, Mark W. AUTOMATING THE CONSTRUCTION... 1991 Hauptmann, Alexander Georg MEANING FROM STRUCTURE IN... ---- Bain, William Michael ---- ---- Goldman ---- ---- Dejong, Gerald Francis ---- 1987 Segre, Alberto Maria EXPLANATION-BASED LEARNING... 1988 Shavlik, Jude William GENERALIZING THE STRUCTURE... 1991 Towell, Geoffrey Gilmer SYMBOLIC KNOWLEDGE AND... 1988 Mooney, Raymond Joseph A GENERAL EXPLANATION-BASED... 1992 Ng, Hwee Tou A GENERAL ABDUCTIVE SYSTEM... 1989 Rajamoney, Shankar Anandsubramaniam EXPLANATION-BASED THEORY... 1991 Chien, Steve Ankuo AN EXPLANATION-BASED... 1993 Bennett, Scott William A MACHINE LEARNING APPROACH... ---- Cullingford ---- ---- Collins ---- ---- Granger, Richard H. Jr. ---- 1989 Eiselt, Kurt Paul INFERENCE PROCESSING AND... ---- Kolodner, Janet L. ---- 1989 Shinn, Hong Shik A UNIFIED APPROACH TO... 1989 Turner, Roy Marvin A SCHEMA-BASED MODEL OF... 1991 Hinrichs, Thomas Ryland PROBLEM-SOLVING IN OPEN... 1992 Redmond, Michael Albert LEARNING BY OBSERVING AND... ---- Lehnert, Wendy G. ---- 1983 Dyer, Michael G. IN-DEPTH UNDERSTANDING: A... 1987 Mueller, Eric DAYDREAMING AND COMPUTATION:... 1987 Zernik, Uri STRATEGIES IN LANGUAGE... 1988 Pazzani, Michael John LEARNING CAUSAL... 1988 Gasser, Michael SEE CO-ADV HATCH, EVELYN 1989 Dolan, Charles Patrick TENSOR MANIPULATION... 1989 Alvarado, Sergio Jose UNDERSTANDING EDITORIAL... 1989 Dolan, Charles THE USE AND ACQUISITION OF... 1991 Lee, Geunbae DISTRIBUTED SEMANTIC... 1991 Reeves, John Fairbanks COMPUTATIONAL MORALITY: A... 1991 Nenov, Valeriy Iliev PERCEPTUALLY GROUNDED... 1991 Quilici, Alexander Eric THE CORRECTION MACHINE: A... 1993 Turner, Scott R. MINSTREL: A COMPUTER MODEL... 1990 Williams, Robert Stuart LEARNING PLAN SCHEMAS FROM... ---- Reiger, C. ---- 1976 Meehan, James R. THE METANOVEL: WRITING... 1978 Wilensky, Robert UNDERSTANDING GOAL-BASED... 1985 Jacobs, Paul A KNOWLEDGE-BASED APPROACH... 1986 Norvig, Peter A UNIFIED THEORY OF... 1986 Arens, Yigal CLUSTER: AN APPORACH TO... 1987 Chin, David Ngi INTELLIGENT AGENTS AS A... 1980 Lebowitz, Michael GENERALIZATION AND MEMORY IN... 1987 Hovy, Eduard Hendrik GENERATING NATURAL LANUGAGE... 1988 Hunter, Lawrence E. GAINING EXPERTISE THROUGH... 1989 Ram, Ashwin QUESTION-DRIVEN... 1989 Dehn, Natalie Jane COMPUTER STORY-WRITING: THE... 1990 Leake, David Browder EVALUATING EXPLANATIONS 1992 Domeshek, Eric Andrew DO THE RIGHT THING: A... 1993 Edelson, Daniel Choy LEARNING FROM STORIES:... Holland, John H. 1969 Westerdale, Thomas H. A SELF DESCRIBING AXIOMATIC... 1982 Booker, Lashon B. INTELLIGENT BEHAVIOR AS AN... 1985 Forrest, Stephanie A STUDY OF PARALLELISM IN... 1988 Riolo, Rick L. EMPIRICAL STUDIES OF DEFAULT... 1990 Mitchell, Melanie SEE CO-ADV HOFSTADTER, DOUGLAS 1992 French, Robert Matthew SEE CO-ADV HOFSTADTER, DOUGLAS Feldman, Jerome A. 1970 Tenenbaum, Jay M. ACCOMMODATION IN COMPUTER... 1989 Weber, Susan Hollbach A STRUCTURED CONNECTIONIST... 1992 Goddard, Nigel Hugh THE PERCEPTION OF... Zvegincev, Vladimir A. 1970 Raskin, Victor TOWARDS A THEORY OF... Pavlidis, Theo 1970 Mylopoulos, John ---- 1978 Peacocke, Dick A FORMALISM FOR PICTORIAL... 1982 Levesque, Hector J. A FORMAL TREATMENT OF... 1987 Patel-Schneider, Peter F. DECIDABLE, LOGIC-BASED... 1987 Kramer, Bryan M. CONTROL OF REASONING IN... Travis, Larry E. 1971 Shapiro, Stuart C. A DATA STRUCTURE FOR... 1991 Noordewier, Michiel Oliver A DECLARATIVE COMPUTATIONAL... 1991 Medow, Mitchell Aaron KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION FOR... Meltzer, Bernard 1973 Hayes, Patrick John SEMANTIC TREES IN AUTOMATIC... Prata, William K. 1975 Huhns, Michael N. OPTIMUM RESTORATION OF... Cohen, Stanley N. 1975 Shortliffe, Ted MYCIN: A RULE-BASED... 1985 Cooper, Gregory F. NESTOR: A COMPUTER-BASED... 1990 Chavez, R. Martin ARCHITECTURES AND... 1992 Suermondt, Henri Jacques EXPLANATION IN BAYESIAN... 1988 Musen, Mark Alan GENERATION OF MODEL-BASED... 1989 Klein, David A. INTERPRETIVE VALUE ANALYSIS 1990 Heckerman, David Earl PROBABILISTIC SIMILARITY... 1992 Lehmann, Harold Philip A BAYESIAN COMPUTER-BASED... Castaneda, Hector-Neri 1976 Rapaport, William J. INTENTIONALITY AND THE... 1992 Srihari, Rohini Kesavan EXTRACTING VISUAL... Perlis, Alan J. 1976 Krutar, Rudolph A. FLEXORS. Starkweather, John 1976 Wiederhold, Gio A METHODOLOGY FOR THE DESIGN... 1979 Shoch, John DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE OF... 1979 Garcia-Molina, Hector PERFORMANCE OF UPDATE... 1991 Staelin, Carl Hudson HIGH-PERFORMANCE FILE SYSTEM... 1980 Minoura, Toshimi RESILIENT EXTENDED TRUE-COPY... 1980 El-Masri, Ramez ON THE DESIGN, USE, AND... 1980 Shaw, David Eliot KNOWLEDGE-BASED RETRIEVAL ON... 1981 King, Jonathan Jay QUERY OPTIMIZATION BY... 1981 Blum, Robert L. DISCOVERY AND REPRESENTATION... 1982 Gilbert, Erik J. ALGORITHM PARTITIONING TOOLS... 1983 Davidson, Jim E. INTERPRETING NATURAL... 1983 Whang, Kyu Young A PHYSICAL DESIGN... 1983 Brinkley, James F. ULTRASONIC THREE-DIMENSIONAL... 1983 Rowe, Neil Charles RULE-BASED STATISTICAL... 1984 Kortas, Ricardo G. THE EFFECTIVE ST-SEGMENT: A... 1985 Keller, Arthur M. UPDATING DATABASES THROUGH... 1987 Winslett, Marianne UPDATING LOGICAL DATABASES 1987 Koo, CharLin A DISTRIBUTED MODEL FOR... 1987 Pednault, Edwin Peter Dawson A THEORY OF CLASSICAL... 1989 Qian, XioaLei CONSTRAINT-BASED SYNTHESIS... 1989 Swami, Arun OPTIMIZATION OF LARGE JOIN... 1989 Linda deMichiel THE SEMANTIC MEDIATION OF... 1990 Barsalou, Thierry VIEW OBJECTS FOR RELATIONAL... 1990 Rathmann, Peter Karl NONMONOTONIC SEMANTICS FOR... 1990 Rathman, Peter NONMONOTONIC SEMANTICS FOR... 1990 Lee, Byung Suk EFFICIENTLY INSTANTIATING... Simmons, Robert Francis 1976 Novak, Gordon S. Jr. COMPUTER UNDERSTANDING OF... 1989 Bulko, William Charles UNDERSTANDING COREFERENCE IN... 1992 Lee, Xiang-Seng TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL... 1993 Chang, Ruey-Juin CLICHE-BASED MODELING FOR... 1980 Amsler, Robert A. THE STRUCTURE OF THE... 1982 Smith, Howard R. A GRAMMATICAL INFERENCE... 1991 Papa, Frank Joseph TEST OF THE GENERALIZABILITY... 1990 Rim, Hae-Chang COMPUTING OUTLINES FROM... 1990 Higinbotham, Dan Walter SEE CO-ADV WALL, ROBERT E. 1990 Yu, Yeong-Ho UNDERSTANDING TEXT WITH... 1991 Petrie, Charles Joseph, Jr. PLANNING AND REPLANNING WITH... Woods, William A. 1977 Brachman, Ronald J. A STRUCTURAL PARADIGM FOR... Marr, David C. 1978 Nishihara, H. Keith REPRESENTATION OF THE... 1980 Grimson, W. Eric L. COMPUTING SHAPE USING A... 1987 Gennert, Michael A. SEE CO-ADV HORN, BERTHOLD K.P. 1988 Stewart, W. Kenneth MULTISENSOR MODELING... 1993 Wells, William Mercer, III STATISTICAL OBJECT RECOGNITION Sweeney, James L. 1978 Marks, Robert E. NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES AND... Trabasso, Tom 1979 Omanson, Richard C. THE NARRATIVE ANALYSIS Sussman, Gerald Jay 1979 Kleer, Johan de CAUSAL AND TELEOLOGICAL... 1986 Weise, Daniel FORMAL MULTILEVEL... 1992 Zhao, Feng SEE CO-ADV ABELSON, HAROLD Demers, Alan 1979 Bates, Joseph A LOGIC FOR CORRECT PROGRAM... Specht, H.J. 1979 Maenner, Reinhard GOD - EIN FLEXIBLES... Metcalfe, Robert 1979 Shoch, John SEE CO-ADV WIEDERHOLD, GIO Hewitt, Carl 1979 Kahn, Kenneth M. THE CREATION OF COMPUTER... Buchanan, Bruce G. 1979 Clancey, William J. TRANSFER OF RULE-BASED... 1984 Dietterich, Thomas G. CONSTRAINT PROPAGATION... 1989 Hirsh, Haym INCREMENTAL VERSION-SPACE... 1990 Schoen, Eric Jonathan INTELLIGENT ASSISTANCE FOR... 1992 Provost, Foster John POLICIES FOR THE SELECTION... Owicki, Susan 1980 Minoura, Toshimi SEE CO-ADV WIEDERHOLD, GIO Chandrasekaran, B. 1980 Flinchbaugh, Bruce E. A COMPUTATIONAL THEORY OF... 1980 Mittal, Sanjay DESIGN OF A DISTRIBUTED... 1989 Keuneke, Anne Marie MACHINE UNDERSTANDING OF... 1989 Punch, William Francis, III A DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM USING A... 1989 Tanner, Michael Clay EXPLAINING KNOWLEDGE... 1989 Goel, Ashok Kumar INTEGRATION OF CASE-BASED... 1992 Herman, David Joseph AN EXTENSIBLE, TASK-SPECIFIC... 1992 Fox, Richard Keith LAYERED ABDUCTION FOR SPEECH... 1992 Narayanan, N. Hari IMAGERY, DIAGRAMS AND REASONING Penrose, Roger 1980 Ginsberg, Matthew L. A COHOMOLOGICAL APPROACH TO... 1993 Darwiche, Adnan Youssef A SYMBOLIC GENERALIZATION OF... Waltz, David L. 1980 Finin, Timothy W. THE SEMANTIC INTERPRETATION... 1988 Kass, Robert John ACQUIRING A MODEL OF THE... 1989 Klein, David A. SEE CO-ADV SHORTLIFFE, TED 1991 Sun, Ron INTEGRATING RULES AND... -- Richard K. Belew Computer Science & Engr. Dept. 619 / 534-2601 Univ. California -- San Diego 619 / 534-5288 (msgs)