N E F C O N - I An InterViews based graphical simulation environment to develop, train, and test Neural Fuzzy Controllers Version 1.0 June 16, 1994 COPYRIGHT NOTICE AND EXCLUSION OF WARRANTY Institut fuer Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund, Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Bueltenweg 74/75, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany, hereby disclaims all copyright interests in the program NEFCON-I and its documentation. NEFCON-I is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. NEFCON-I is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License in the file COPYING for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with NEFCON-I and this document; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 1) WHAT IS NEFCON-I? NEFCON-I means NEural Fuzzy CONtroller - based on InterViews, and it is an X11 simulation environment to build and test neural fuzzy controllers based on the NEFCON model developed at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Braunschweig. NEFCON-I is able to learn fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules by using a kind of reinforcement learning that is driven by a fuzzy error measure. To do this NEFCON-I communicates with another process, that implements a simulation of a dynamical process. NEFCON-I can optimize the fuzzy sets of the antecedents and the conclusions of a given rule base, and it can also create a rulebase from scratch. The theoretical foundations of the NEFCON model are not discussed in this report. If you are interested please refer to our publications (see the MANUAL.ps) Some of them you can also find on our FTP server (see below) If your are able to read German, you can download the diploma thesis of Hermann-Josef Diekgerdes, who wrote the first version of NEFCON-I. There you can find a short discussion of the theoretical foundations, and a comprehensive description of the data structures and algorithms used in the software. For a detailed discussion of neural networks and neural fuzzy systems including the NEFCON model please refer to our new book Nauck, Klawonn, Kruse: Neuronale Netze und Fuzzy Systeme. Vieweg, Wiesbaden 1994. 2) WHERE CAN I OBTAIN NEFCON-I AND MORE INFORMATION? You can get NEFCON-I and some of our papers which describe the aspects of the theoretical background behind the NEFCON model from our FTP server at ftp@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de (IP address Papers are in the directory pub/local/papers. Get the file INDEX first, and check which documents you want to download. You will also find the latest release of NEFCON-I there in the directory pub/local/nefcon in the file nefcon_x.y.tar.gz, where x.y is the release number. New releases will be announced in the newsgroups comp.ai.fuzzy and comp.ai.neural-nets. You will probably also find NEFCON-I on an FTP server near you. Please check the newsgroups and mailing lists like fuzzy-mail for announcements. If you can't read Usenet news, but you can receive email, you might want to join the fuzzy-mail list maintained by Marcus Herzog and Wolfgang Slany. Send an email to listserver@vexpert.dbai.tuwien.ac.at that contains only the line SUBSCRIBE FUZZY-MAIL in its message. If you have questions or comments concerning the NEFCON model or the software, please mail them to nauck@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de (Detlef Nauck). Questions concerning the program code will be usually forwarded to the developer who works on NEFCON-I (currently Roland Stellmach). You can send mail directly to him (stellma@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de), but please note that he is a student at our department, and he does not work full time here, i.e. answering your questions may take some time. If you are going to use NEFCON-I please send an email to nauck@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de, so we can keep track of users. We will inform you about updates. We would also appreciate to hear from you, if you tried to use NEFCON-I to solve an applicational problem (successfully or not). If you plan to put NEFCON-I on any FTP server, please feel free to do so. In this case please send us an email, so we can send updates to this site. 3) HOW DO I INSTALL NEFCON-I? To install NEFCON-I you need an X11 environment, InterViews 3.1, and a C++ compiler (e.g. g++). Please print and read the file MANUAL.ps. It contains a description of how to install and use NEFCON-I. I you don't have a postscript printer please consider to use GHOSTSCRIPT. In very rare cases I can send you a hard copy. If you don't know what InterViews is, you can't use NEFCON-I. Read the manual, and ask your system administrator for help. For the impatient fellows, here is a short outline of how to install: NEFCON-I is distributed as a gzip'ed tar-file: nefcon_1.0.tar.gz, which you have to gunzip and untar: tar -xvzf nefcon_1.0.tar.gz (or use gunzip nefcon_1.0.tar.gz and then tar -xvf nefcon_1.0.tar) You will get the directory nefcon that contains this README file, the manual, and four additional directories (source, data, datagen, pendulum). Now set the environment variable CPU to your type of system (e.g. SUN4, LINUX, etc.). Let's assume you have a SUN4 Sparcstation. Change directory to nefcon/source, and enter "ivmkmf -a", and the "make". You will find the executable nefcon in the directory nefcon/source/SUN4. Now change to nefcon/pendulum, and enter "ivmkmf -a", and the "make". You will find the pendulum simulation in the executable nefcon/pendulum/SUN4/pendulum. Finally change to nefcon/datagen, and enter "ivmkmf -a", and the "make". You will find the data generator in nefcon/datagen/SUN4/datagen. Move all three executables somewhere into your path. If you want you can delete the SUN4 directories. You can also delete the sources, just keep the files in nefcon/data. This are the provided examples. PS: nefcon and pendulum display a German interface by default. Use the parameter -e if you want to have an English interface. Sorry, but now you have to read the manual :-). 4) LIST OF FILES You should have receive NEFCON-I in a gzip'ed tar-file nefcon_1.0.tar.gz that contains the following files. If you distribution is incomplete please notify nauck@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de. -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 17982 Jun 16 16:45 1994 nefcon/COPYING -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 933270 Jun 16 16:43 1994 nefcon/MANUAL.ps -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 7372 Jun 16 16:57 1994 nefcon/README drwxr-sr-x nauck/users 0 Jun 15 15:38 1994 nefcon/data/ -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 901 Jun 15 15:38 1994 nefcon/data/exam1.lv -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 965 Jun 15 15:38 1994 nefcon/data/exam1.rg -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 590 Jun 15 15:38 1994 nefcon/data/exam1_e.lv -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 877 Jun 15 15:38 1994 nefcon/data/exam1_e.rg -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 936 Jun 15 15:38 1994 nefcon/data/exam2.lv drwxr-sr-x nauck/users 0 Jun 16 14:33 1994 nefcon/datagen/ -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 529 Jun 16 10:36 1994 nefcon/datagen/Imakefile -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 6406 Jun 16 10:37 1994 nefcon/datagen/pendel_texte.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 1341 Jun 16 10:37 1994 nefcon/datagen/pendel_texte.h -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 32679 Jun 16 10:37 1994 nefcon/datagen/pendel_look.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 10917 Jun 16 10:37 1994 nefcon/datagen/pendel_look.h -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 6017 Jun 15 22:15 1994 nefcon/datagen/datagen.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 1742 Jun 16 10:37 1994 nefcon/datagen/global.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 2036 Jun 16 10:37 1994 nefcon/datagen/global.h drwxr-sr-x nauck/users 0 Jun 16 14:34 1994 nefcon/pendulum/ -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 253 Jun 15 09:32 1994 nefcon/pendulum/Imakefile -rw-r----- nauck/users 1742 Jun 15 14:20 1994 nefcon/pendulum/global.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 3468 Jun 15 22:14 1994 nefcon/pendulum/main.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 23853 Jun 15 14:21 1994 nefcon/pendulum/pendel.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 3048 Jun 15 14:21 1994 nefcon/pendulum/pendel.h -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 32679 Jun 15 14:22 1994 nefcon/pendulum/pendel_look.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 10917 Jun 15 14:22 1994 nefcon/pendulum/pendel_look.h -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 6406 Jun 15 14:22 1994 nefcon/pendulum/pendel_texte.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 1341 Jun 15 14:22 1994 nefcon/pendulum/pendel_texte.h -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 7538 Jun 15 14:23 1994 nefcon/pendulum/runge.c -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 21553 May 2 16:19 1994 nefcon/pendulum/pendel.tar.gz -rw-r--r-- nauck/users 2428 Jun 15 14:23 1994 nefcon/pendulum/runge.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 2036 Jun 15 14:20 1994 nefcon/pendulum/global.h drwxr-sr-x nauck/users 0 Jun 16 14:34 1994 nefcon/source/ -rw-r----- nauck/users 7972 Jun 15 14:12 1994 nefcon/source/anwend_ed.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 11576 Jun 15 15:40 1994 nefcon/source/anwendung.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 13455 Jun 15 14:12 1994 nefcon/source/control_ed.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 35535 Jun 15 14:13 1994 nefcon/source/controller.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 13918 Jun 15 14:13 1994 nefcon/source/datei.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 1742 Jun 15 14:13 1994 nefcon/source/global.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 18968 Jun 15 14:14 1994 nefcon/source/koosystem.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 6656 Jun 15 14:14 1994 nefcon/source/lern_ed.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 29042 Jun 15 14:14 1994 nefcon/source/lingvar.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 43008 Jun 15 14:15 1994 nefcon/source/lingvar_ed.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 3042 Jun 15 11:33 1994 nefcon/source/main.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 25696 Jun 15 14:15 1994 nefcon/source/nfc_ed.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 32666 Jun 15 14:15 1994 nefcon/source/nfclook.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 33524 Jun 15 14:16 1994 nefcon/source/protokoll.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 8325 Jun 15 14:16 1994 nefcon/source/protokoll_ed.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 14214 Jun 15 14:17 1994 nefcon/source/regel.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 3858 Jun 15 14:17 1994 nefcon/source/regel_ed.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 41197 Jun 15 14:18 1994 nefcon/source/regel_tab.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 23381 Jun 15 14:18 1994 nefcon/source/regel_tafel.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 34444 Jun 15 14:10 1994 nefcon/source/texte.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 13028 Jun 15 14:18 1994 nefcon/source/wissensbank.c -rw-r----- nauck/users 2214 Jun 15 14:12 1994 nefcon/source/anwend_ed.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 4212 Jun 15 14:12 1994 nefcon/source/anwendung.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 3486 Jun 15 14:13 1994 nefcon/source/datei.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 2610 Jun 15 14:12 1994 nefcon/source/control_ed.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 7801 Jun 15 14:13 1994 nefcon/source/controller.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 2036 Jun 15 14:14 1994 nefcon/source/global.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 5400 Jun 15 14:14 1994 nefcon/source/koosystem.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 2095 Jun 15 14:14 1994 nefcon/source/lern_ed.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 8529 Jun 15 14:14 1994 nefcon/source/lingvar.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 2023 Jun 15 14:15 1994 nefcon/source/lingvar_ed.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 3019 Jun 15 14:15 1994 nefcon/source/nfc_ed.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 10840 Jun 15 14:16 1994 nefcon/source/nfclook.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 5565 Jun 15 14:16 1994 nefcon/source/protokoll.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 2686 Jun 15 14:17 1994 nefcon/source/protokoll_ed.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 5243 Jun 15 14:17 1994 nefcon/source/regel.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 2186 Jun 15 14:17 1994 nefcon/source/regel_ed.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 5330 Jun 15 14:18 1994 nefcon/source/regel_tab.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 4293 Jun 15 14:18 1994 nefcon/source/regel_tafel.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 1274 Jun 15 14:18 1994 nefcon/source/texte.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 5179 Jun 15 14:19 1994 nefcon/source/wissensbank.h -rw-r----- nauck/users 469 Jun 15 11:15 1994 nefcon/source/Imakefile Enjoy! Detlef ============================================================================== Dr. Detlef Nauck Phone: 49.531.391.3155 Dept. of Computer Science Fax : 49.531.391.5936 Technical University of Braunschweig Email: nauck@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Bueltenweg 74 - 75 D-38106 Braunschweig Germany =============================================================================