CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Machine Learning Bibliographies
This directory contains two BibTeX machine learning bibliographies,
both of which originate from the ILP ESPRIT project.
lrefs.bib BibTeX file developed by Luc de Raedt and Stephen
Muggleton for a Logic Programming Journal article
on ILP (around 325 entries).
ilp_book.bib BibTeX file, which Nada Lavrac created for the
forthcoming book "Inductive Logic Programming:
Techniques and Applications", published by Ellis
Horwood (around 200 entries).
id3.txt References about induction algorithms
Origin: []
as the files ILPBook.bib.Z, README, and lrefs.bib.Z.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Contact: Marcus Luebbe
Authors!Lavrac, Authors!Muggleton, Authors!de Raedt, ID3,
Induction Algorithms, Machine Learning!Bibliographies
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:24:13 1995