This is the ftp readme for Common Music. You can get the newest release via anonymous ftp from either ( or ( in the pub/ or pub/Lisp directories, respectively. cm.README this file cm.tar.Z Unix archive, use also for Mac DOS archive (pkunzip -d) If you use Common Music on the Mac, take cm.tar.Z and also: macunix.sit.hqx which contains two utilities, MacCompress and Tar, for uncompressing and untarring unix tar.Z files on the Mac. Restore macunix.sit.hqx using the Macintosh Stuffit utility and then see the enclosed readme for more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO RESTORE THE SOURCES First, make a new directory to restore the sources to. It does not matter where the directory resides. On Unix or DOS you can use the mkdir command: mkdir where is replaced by whatever directory name you use. If you are reinstalling Common Music, its still best to delete or move the current sources and reinstall to an empty directory because the new archive may contain renamed files or a different directory structure Next, move the ftp archive from wherever it currently is to the new source directory: Unix: mv cm.tar DOS: move Then move to the source directory and restore the archive: Unix: cd zcat cm.tar.Z | tar xvf - DOS: cd pkunzip -d This restores all the sources into the source direcory. Ignore any warning message you see. Once the sources have been restored you may delete the archive or save it as a backup: Unix: rm cm.tar.Z DOS del Then see Common Music's README file for further instructions about installing the system. --------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE ANONYMOUS FTP FTP only works if your computer is connected to the internet. Use the ftp command to connect to either or Then login with the name: anonymous and password: user@host where user@host is your actual login name and location. Then type: cd pub to move to the ftp pub directory. Next type: bin to set the transfer mode to binary. Don't forget to do this! Then type: get cm.tar.Z to transfer the archive file to your machine. Once ftp notifies you that the transfer is complete (the transfer itself may take a very long time...) type: quit to exit from the ftp program. That't it! Rick Taube Zentrum fuer Kunst und Medientechnologie Ritterstr. 42 7500 Karlsruhe 1 Germany,