CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
Advising Corpora
This directory contains a corpus of student-advisor advising
sessions used to develop the ADVISOR II system described in
Elhadad's thesis. The corpus is a transcriptions 6 hours of audio
tapes recorded at the Columbia University, Department of Computer
Science in Fall 1987.
Four versions of the corpus are included:
+ Formatted: The corpus with each turn in a separate paragraph,
student turn marked with S, advisor turn marked with C.
+ Raw: The raw corpus - just the text, without marks.
+ Sentences: The raw corpus with a format facilitating
automatic processing: one sentence on each line, each word
separated by 2 spaces.
+ Tagged: The file sentences tagged by Ken Church's automatic
part-of-speech tagger.
The corpus contains 3500 sentences and 30500 words.
Version: 9-JUN-93
Copying: Copyright (c) 1987-92 by Michael Elhadad.
Use, copying, and distribution permitted. (See file
license.txt for details.)
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Author(s): Michael Elhadad
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Beer Sheva, 84105 ISRAEL
Tel: +972 (57) 461-626
Advising Corpus, Authors!Elhadad, Corpora, NLP
References: ?
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:25:59 1995