CMU Artificial Intelligence Repository
XLISP-Stat: Statistical version of XLISP
XLISP-STAT is an extensible statistics package which runs in XLISP.
It has recently been ported to Common Lisp. The CL port does not yet
include the lisp-stat dynamic graphics package, only the numerics.
Origin: (Windows version)
XLISP and Common Lisp versions: []
(The CL version is CL/CLS1.0A1.tar.Z.)
The XLISP version is also available from
Version: 2.1 R3.37 beta (23-JUN-94); 2.1 R2
Ports: Macintosh, IBM, Unix systems running X11 (Vax, PMAX,
Sun3, Encore Multimax, and Cray XMP), Sun workstations
running SunView, and the Commodore Amiga.
An experimental version for DOS computers running
Microsoft Windows 3.0 is also available.
Copying: Copyright (c) 1990, by Luke Tierney.
Use, copying, modification, and distribution permitted.
CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1
Mailing List:
Author(s): Luke Tierney
Contact: Lisp-Stat Information
School of Statistics
270 Vincent Hall
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Tel: 612-625-7843
Authors!Tierney, Interpreters!Lisp, Lisp!Amiga, Lisp!IBM PC,
Lisp!Implementations, Lisp!Macintosh, Lisp!UNIX,
Programming Languages!Lisp, Statistics, Univ. of Minnesota,
Documentation is available online, in the tutorial introduction
pub/xlispstat/xlispstat.doc.tar.Z and also in the book
Luke Tierney, "Lisp-Stat: An Object Oriented Environment for Statistical
Computing and Dynamic Graphics", Wiley, 1990, 397 pages.
ISBN 0-471-50916-7.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:32:18 1995