December 3 |
CALD Seminar scheduled.
To be held from 12:30-2:00pm in NSH 3305. (With Pizza)
Kevin Kelly (CMU),
Ockham's Razor Deduced from Error Minimization
November 26 |
Drew Bagnell,
Integrating Scope into Learning with Application to Information Extraction
Aaron Courville,
Modeling Temporal Structure in Classical Conditioning
This seminar took place in Wean Hall 7220 at 1:30 pm
November 19 |
Vandi Verma,
Risk Sensitive Particle Filters,
Guy Lebanon,
Boosting and Maximum Likelihood for Exponential Models,
Tech Report
November 12 |
John Langford,
Provable Learning,
November 5 |
Geoff Gordon,
Variations on a Particle Filter,
September 24 |
ICML / KDD / COLT Review Session, Shuchi Chawla, John Langford, Ricardo Silva, and Martin Zinkevich presented
July 23 |
Douglas Aberdeen (Australian National University),
Gradient Reinforcement Learning of POMDP Policy Graphs,
July 16 |
Peter Venable,
Lynx: Building a Statistical Parser from a Rule-Based Parser
June 26 |
Dan Pelleg,
Mixtures of Rectangles: Interpretable Soft Clustering
Rayid Ghani,
Hypertext Categorization using Hyperlink Patterns and Meta Data
June 4 |
Chuck Rosenberg,
Color Constancy Using KL-Divergence
March 26 |
Bryan Singer,
Learning to Generate Fast Signal Processing Implementations,
March 19 |
Andrew McCallum,
Efficient Clustering of High-Dimensional Data Sets with Application to Reference Matching
March 12 |
John Langford,
The Usefulness of Sample Complexity Bounds,
February 19 |
Malcolm Strens,
Reinforcement Learning Methods for Military Applications,
ppt slides
February 12 |
Frank Dellaert,
Structure from Motion without Correspondence,
ppt slides
February 5 |
NIPS Review, Geoff Gordon, Joelle Pineau, John Langford, and Tom Minka made presentations and here are their Slides.
January 24 |
Faculty Candidate talk scheduled.
Sam T. Roweis (University College of London),
Scalable Learning of Nonlinear Manifolds from Data
January 22 |
CALD Seminar scheduled.
Thorsten Joachims (GMD),
The Maximum-Margin Approach to Learning Text Classifiers
January 15 |
SCS Distinguished Seminar scheduled.
Steve Smale
(City University of Hong Kong),
On the Mathematical Foundations of Learning Theory