Test Equipment Manufacturers of Distinction
- Leading maker of RF power amplifiers.
- Fluke
- Leading maker of handheld DMMS, but also makes fine calibration standards
and bench meters.
- Kepco
- Makes solid power supplies that sell for less than HP, Lambda, etc. They
have a specialty in analog power supplies such as the BOP bipolar operational
supply, which is really a LF power amp.
- Krohn-Hite
- Active filter instruments and other LF phase/frequency stuff.
- Keithley
- Leading make of "sensitive measurement" instruments such as electrometers
- General Radio
- Although no longer in existence, General Radio made many innovative and
durable instruments that remain useful today. The link is to my
General Radio Fan Page.
- Ballantine Labs
- One of their most popular products is the 323 analog broadband true RMS
voltmeter. Not as well known as the HP 3400, it can be found for very little
on the used market.
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