You'll be working on your first programming project this week. Make
sure that you and your partner have signed up on the partner sheet,
and make sure you know what your group number is (for those of you in
my section, it should be ax, where x is some number
between 1 and 14). When writing Java code, try to follow a logical coding style. I'm usually not too critical with style, as long as it is easy to decipher. (Just so that you know, we're considering putting up a 15-212 style guide at some point in the near future.) The most important thing is consistency; i.e., stick with a single style throughout the entire project. If your code is painfully hard to read, your grade may be painfully difficult to behold. Note that you will be graded on style as well as correctness. Your hand-in directory will be the same name as your group name. Do NOT work in that directory! It is only to be used for depositing those files that you are to hand in when you're finished (e.g., the *.java files). This means that there should never be any *.class files in there, nor any executables, graphics/sound files, Netscape cache files, etc. IMPORTANT: For those of you in my section, you must also hand in a hard copy of your source code in section. If you don't do this, bad things will happen, so please, please remember to print out your source code after you finish. And don't forget to staple them together!
Wasn't that fun? :P Solutions were passed out in section, and they will probably be available on-line at some point. |