Using Andrew B-boards
We've had a couple of questions regarding the links to the b-boards. Unfortunately,
the Andrew system doesn't provide a server for b-boards that most web browsers
can access. If you're on Andrew, you should probably use your standard
AMS mail/b-board client (e.g., EzMail, MacMail, Messages, etc.) to read
the b-boards. There, the b-boards are listed as:
The links provided on the web page only work for users with access to the
CMU b-boards through an NNTP server. (Mostly people in the School
of Computer Science.) For users moving to the Cyrus system, the academic.cs.212
boards are also available on the Cyrus mail server.
to 15-212 Homepage
15-212 Spring 1998
Copyright 1998 Carnegie Mellon University School
of Computer Science
This page maintained by Darren Mauro (