Program Examples

15-212, Spring 1998

Date Example
12-Feb-1998 Function: Read one line of input and accept it iff the 5th letter from the end is an a, and the 3rd digit from the letter is a 0. (Classes: Stack and NthFromEnd.) To compile this program, type: javac Note that the compiler automatically compiles class Stack as well, since it sees that class NthFromEnd uses that class. javac has an inbuilt make function!!
To run it, type: java NthFromEnd (Do not use these as style guides!!)
19-Feb-1998 Function: Simple demonstration of inheritance and polymorphism. (Classes: GenericNode and IntegerNode that extends the former. Test exercises the two classes. (Do not use these as style guides!!)
24-Feb-1998 Sample solutions to programming project 1, from:
Sal Desiano and Tom Kang. Note the use of exceptions.
5-Mar-1998 SimpleException: A simple demonstration of exception handling. (Do not use this exclusively as a style guide!!)
8-Mar-1998 Sample solution to programming project 2 (the Lexer) (from Adam Berger).
10-Mar-1998 AWTDemo: A simple demonstration of the Abstract Windowing Toolkit or AWT. (Do not use this exclusively as a style guide!!)

Ravishankar Mosur
Last modified: Thu Mar 12 17:58:34 EST 1998